Authors: J.H. Kelley, C.G. Sheu and J. E. Purcell |  Citation: Nucl. Data Sheets 198, 1 (2024) |  Cutoff date: 1-Aug-2024 

 Full ENSDF file | Adopted Levels (PDF version) 

Q(β-)=13436.9 keV 10S(n)= 4878.8 keV 17S(p)= 15804.8 keV 22Q(α)= -10817.9 keV 10
Reference: 2021WA16

  A  14Be β-n decay  B  1H(12Be,13Be)
  C  1H(13B,X)  D  2H(12B,p)
  E  2H(13B,13B)  F  2H(15C,α)
  G  4He(9Li,α)  H  4He(12Be,13BG)
  I  7Li(7Li,p),7Li(7Li,pγ)  J  9Be(13B,X)
  K  9Be(14B,13BG),197Au(14B,13BG)  L  9Be(15N,13B)
  M  9Be(40Ar,13B)  N  11B(t,p)
  O  11B(18O,16O)  P  12C(9Be,8B)
  Q  12C(12Be,13B)  R  12C(13C,12N)
  S  12C(14C,13N)  T  12C(15N,14O)
  U  12C(16O,13B),(18O,13B)  V  13C(γ,π+)
  W  13C(μ-,ν)  X  13C(π-,γ)
  Y  13C(π-,PI0)  Z  13C(n,p)
  a  13C(d,2He)  b  13C(t,3He)
  c  13C(7Li,7Be)  d  14C(γ,p)
  e  14C(d,3He)  f  14C(t,4He)
  g  14C(11B,12C)  h  15N(p,3p)
  i  16O(14C,17F)  j  48Ca(11B,13B)
  k  136Xe(p,13B)  l  181Ta(22Ne,13B),(20Ne,13B)
  m  197Au(15N,13B)  n  208Pb(13B,13B)
  o  232Th(18O,13B),232Th(22Ne,13B)  p  238U(18O,13B)
  q  U(p,13B),232Th(p,13B) 

General Comments:

General theory:

1973Sa25, 1973Sa30, 1974Ch46, 1981Av02, 1981Se06, 1983Va08, 1984Va06, 1990Wo10, 1991Po11, 1994Ho21, 1995Ka23, 1997Ba54, 1997Re07, 1999Gu14, 1999Kn04, 1999Ta09, 2001Ka66, 2001Ta04, 2003Is17, 2003Jh01, 2003Sm02, 2003Su04, 2004Um01, 2005Ar12, 2007Gu03, 2008Ka24, 2008Ka36, 2008Sh16, 2011Al11, 2011SuZU, 2012Yu07, 2013Ma60, 2014Me02, 2015Fo06, 2015Ka02, 2015Sh21, 2020Ch40, 2021Ca23, 2021Ma32, 2022Mo36, 2023Me02

Calculations related to dipole and quadrupole moments:

1972Gu05, 1984Ku07, 1984Va06, 1988Va03, 1991Bo02, 1998Hu08, 1999Ki27, 1999Ki28, 2001Sa24, 2002Sa12, 2003Is17, 2003Jh01, 2003Sm02, 2003Su04, 2003Su28, 2003Um02, 2014Ra17, 2021Ca23

Mirror nuclear decay and fundamental symmetry effect studies:

1970Wi02, 1971Bl12, 1973Sa25, 1973Wi11, 1977Az02, 1977Ri08, 1993Ch06, 1999Ba21, 2023Se01

Other relevant results:

1973Sa25: General review of the α=13 isobars and discussion on the isobaric multiplet mass equation. See also (1983An15).

2010Ma44: Measured G-parity conservation via correlations of nuclear spins and β-ray angular distribution. Found α_(13B)=+0.05% 2 MeV-1 and gII/ga=-0.8 5.

Q-value: S2n=8248.4 17; S2p=38744 1; Q(β-n)=8490.6 10 (2021Wa16)

XREFJπ(level) T1/2(level)E(γ)
I(γ)M(γ)Final Levels
      0.0A CDEF HIJKLMNOP RSTUVWX Zabcdefghijklmnopq 3/2- 17.30 ms 17 
% β- = 100
% β-n = 0.276 37
   3483 5    D   H  K  N P     V X Z                  1/2+ % IT = 100

   3536.4 17 A      HI    N P     V X Z bc               3/2- 0.90 ps 21 
% IT = 100
  3536 2 
   3681 5    D F HI K  NOP RST      a                 (5/2+,3/2+) 38 fs 14 
% IT = 100
   3713 5        HI    N P RST      a   e             1/2- ≤ 0.21 fs
% IT = 100
  3713 5 

   4131 5        HI K  NO  RST        c               - ≤ 0.21 fs
% IT = 100
   418 8 
   596 8 
  4131 6 
   33 14 
  100 14 

   4829 6        HI    N    S           e   i         1/2+ ≤ 0.21 fs
% IT = 100

   5024 6         I    N   R T                               
   5106 10    D         N P          ab                60 keV 10       
   5388 6    D    I    NOP RST          e             (1/2,3/2)- 14 keV 5       
   5557 7 ?        I                                          
   6167 6        HI    NOP   T          e             < 20 keV      
   6425 7        HI    NOP RST V X Za   e             36 keV 5       
   6934 9         I    N    ST       b      i         55 keV 15       
   7516 8 ?        I         ST   X Z                         
   7859 20 ?        I         ST                               
   8134 7        HI    NO  RST                        100 keV 15       
   8683 7         I    N   RST                        89 keV 20       
      9.0E3                        Y                   ≈ 8.1 MeV      
   9440 30              N   RST                        81 keV 25       
      9.5E3 3 ?                            c                      
  10220 20      F       N   RST   X Z b                210 keV 20       
XREFJπ(level) T1/2(level)E(γ)
I(γ)M(γ)Final Levels
  10890 20              N                                     
  11050                 RST                        1.8 MeV      
     11.7E3     F       N                              (5/2+,7/2+)        
     12.2E3     F                                      (5/2+,7/2+)        
     13.6E3 1         I       Q  T                        ≤ 320 keV
% α ≤ 100
  14390                   T                        ≈ 400 keV      
     16.3E3      G                                            
     18.25E3 10  B    GH                                    1/2+ 0.7 MeV +4-3       
     19.95E3 6  B    GH                                    5/2+ 0.60 MeV 10       

T1/2(level): LABEL=T1/2 or Γ

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Additional Gamma Data:

Additional Data
   3536.4 3/2- 0.90 ps 21 
% IT = 100
  3536 2 [M1,E2]0.00093B(E2)(W.u.)<0.81 (<a href= " ">2009Iw03</a>), B(M1)(W.u.)<7.2E-4 (<a href= " ">2009Iw03</a>), α=0.00093 8, α(K)=1.221E-7 23, α(L)=4.98E-9 10
   3681 (5/2+,3/2+) 38 fs 14 
% IT = 100
  3680[E1]1.55×10-3B(E1)(W.u.)=7.7E-4 28, α=1.55E-3 2, α(K)=9.05E-8 13, α(L)=3.69E-9 5

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Additional Level Data and Comments:

   3536.43/2- 0.90 ps 21 
% IT = 100
XREF: b(3.6×103)c(3.5×103).
   4131- ≤ 0.21 fs
% IT = 100
XREF: c(4.0×103).
   48291/2+ ≤ 0.21 fs
% IT = 100
XREF: S(4910).
   5024   E(level): Decay mode not reported; only IT and neutron emission are possible.
   5106 60 keV 10  E(level): Decay mode not reported; only IT and neutron emission are possible.
   5388(1/2,3/2)- 14 keV 5  E(level): Decay mode not reported; only IT and neutron emission are possible.
   5557   E(level): Decay mode not reported; only IT and neutron emission are possible.
   6167 < 20 keV XREF: e(6.3×103).
E(level): Decay mode not reported; only IT and neutron emission are possible.
   6425 36 keV 5  XREF: S(6370)e(6.3×103).
E(level): Decay mode not reported; only IT and neutron emission are possible.
   6934 55 keV 15  XREF: i(6900).
E(level): Decay mode not reported; only IT and neutron emission are possible.
   7516   E(level): Decay mode not reported; only IT and neutron emission are possible.
   7859   E(level): Decay mode not reported; only IT and neutron emission are possible.
   8134 100 keV 15  XREF: O(8.32×103).
E(level): Decay mode not reported; only IT and neutron emission are possible.
   8683 89 keV 20  E(level): Decay mode not reported; IT, 1n and 2n emission are possible.
   9440 81 keV 25  XREF: R(9310).
E(level): Decay mode not reported; IT, 1n and 2n emission are possible.
      9.5E3   E(level): Decay mode not reported; IT, 1n and 2n emission are possible.
  10220 210 keV 20  E(level): Decay mode not reported; IT, 1n and 2n emission are possible.
  10890   E(level): Decay mode not reported; IT, 1n, 2n and α emission are possible.
  11050 1.8 MeV XREF: R(11180)S(10980).
E(level): Decay mode not reported; IT, 1n, 2n and α emission are possible.
     11.7E3(5/2+,7/2+)   E(level): Decay mode not reported; IT, 1n, 2n and α emission are possible.
     12.2E3(5/2+,7/2+)   E(level): Decay mode not reported; IT, 1n, 2n and α emission are possible.
  14390 ≈ 400 keV E(level): Decay mode not reported; IT, 1n, 2n and α emission are possible.
     18.25E31/2+ 0.7 MeV +4-3  T=(5/2) (2023Hu20)
XREF: γ(18.4×103).
     19.95E35/2+ 0.60 MeV 10  T=(5/2) (2023Hu20)
XREF: γ(19.5×103).

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Additional Gamma Comments:

   3483   3482E(γ): 3482 keV 6 from Level Energy Difference
   3713    178E(γ): 178 keV 6 from Level Energy Difference
I(γ): From (1963Ca09).
   3713E(γ): 3713 keV 5 from Level Energy Difference
I(γ): From (1963Ca09).
   4131    418E(γ): 418 keV 8 from Level Energy Difference
I(γ): From (1963Ca09).
    596E(γ): 596 keV 8 from Level Energy Difference
I(γ): From (1963Ca09).
   4131E(γ): 4131 keV 8 from Level Energy Difference
I(γ): From (1963Ca09).
   4829   4828E(γ): 4828 keV 6 from Level Energy Difference

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