Authors: K. Setoodehnia, J.H. Kelley, J.E. Purcell |  Citation: ENSDF |  Cutoff date: 28-September-2023 

 Full ENSDF file | Adopted Levels (PDF version) 

Q(β-)=23.06×103 keV SYS(n)= 0.81×103 keV SY
Reference: 2021WA16

  A  252Cf SF decay  B  1H(8He,PP)
  C  2H(8He,3He)  D  7Li(π-+)
  E  9Be(π-,PP)  F  11B(π-,P3HE)
  G  12C(8He,13N)  H  19F(8He,20Ne)

General Comments:

7H is the nucleus with, by far, the most unbalanced neutron to proton ratio. The first experimental indication of 7H being a resonant state came in 2003 from RIKEN (2003Ko11). This study argued that it is unlikely that 7H exists as a bound state, but a resonant state near the 3H+4n threshold with Jπ=1/2+ seems likely. It was assumed that such a state would likely decay either into five outgoing particles (3H+4n) or two particles (3H+4n) if the tetraneutron exists.

Most recent observations (2020Be01, 2021Mu04, 2021Hu28, 2022Ca10, and 2023Ni06) indicate that 7H ground state is a low-lying, narrow (due to neutron pairing) resonance 1.3 MeV 4 above the 3H+4n mass with a width of Γ<300 keV (2020Be01), and with Jπ=1/2+ measured in (2022Ca10). Such a state would be consistent with an extended 4-neutron halo interacting with a 3H core, which would decay by emission of a tetraneutron. The decay of the four-neutron-unbound ground state of 7H via direct emission of a tetraneutron has not yet been experimentally observed. However, the ongoing analysis of (2021Hu28) seems to be suggestive of this mode of decay.

As for the excited states of 7H, the first one is observed |J4 MeV above the ground state with a plausible Jπ=(5/2+) assignment. This state is expected (2021Mu04) to decay via 5Hg.s.+2n, where 5Hg.s., in turn, decays to 3H+2n. So, the decay may be sequential. The first excited state may be part of a doublet containing another state at higher energy with Jπ=(3/2+). α candidate state for the latter was reported in (2021Mu04) but its existence is uncertain. An even higher energy excited state was observed in (2021Mu04) at 9.7 MeV, whose structure may be indicative of the p+6n configuration.

Theory: Numerous investigations have been carried out to study the 7Hg.s. properties. These are summarized below.

1985Po10: An early shell model calculation obtained Jπ=1/2+ for the 7H ground state using two different models.

2000Fi22: Using resonating-group method, the wave function of 7H as a cluster system of 3H+n+n+n+n was calculated and analyzed hyperharmonically.

2002Ti05: Calculations using the 7-body hyperspherical harmonics functions with no core shell model predicted a 7H binding energy of -7.61 MeV, estimated by exponential extrapolation. This estimation was about 300 keV lower than that for 5H (2001Ko52), which would agree with the hypothesis of (2001Ko52) that 7H may exist as a low lying resonance with the only decay channel being 7H |) 3H+n+n+n+n. Later, (2004Ti02) performed the same kind of calculations after improving a Casimir operator such that the hyperharmonics had well defined symmetry when constructed within the shell model approach. This work deduced the 7H resonance |J3 MeV above the 3H+4n threshold. This theoretical result also favored a sequential decay of 7H into 3H+n+n+n+n.

2004Ao05: α coupled channels calculation treated 7H as a combination of both a triton plus four neutrons and as a proton plus three dineutrons. The calculated ground state binding energy is about 1.5 MeV, which is about 7 MeV above the 3H+4n threshold.

2009Ao03: This calculation used the Antisymmetrised Molecular Dynamics with generator coordinate and stochastic variational methods that included basis states with a triton and two dineutrons as well as basis states with a triton and 4 neutrons. This study obtained a 7H ground state with a binding energy of 2.8 MeV, which is about 4.2 MeV above the 3H+4n threshold. This work describes the ground state of 7H as a 3H+2n+{+2n. These two pairs of neutrons act as two bosons bound together by their interaction with the 3H core in a di-neutron condensate.

2011Gr13: Simultaneous four neutron emission by 7H is discussed in this work. They demonstrate, by using simplified 3-body and 5-body Hamiltonians, that few body dynamics of 2n and 4n emissions result in collective barriers that rise quickly with increasing the number of emitted particles. This translates into longer lifetimes being expected for nuclei which decay via 4n than those that decay via the emission of 2n. This work considered the 7Hg.s. as a true 4n emitter and estimated that the ground state of 7H has a narrow width of Γ|<1 keV.

2019Sh36: Simultaneous non-sequential 4n emission is considered in a phenomenological five-body (core+4n) decay. This theoretical work assumes that the internal structure of the ground state of 7H is dominated by a 0p3/24 configuration. The decay of 7H may cause a mixing of configurations such as 0s1/220p3/22 due to Pauli focusing effect. This would result in correlations in energy, angular distribution, and phase space, which could be used as observable fingerprints of a simultaneous non-sequential 4n decay and to understand the decay dynamics.

2021Li62: The energies and neutron-emission widths of the unbound hydrogen isotopes were computed using the no core Gamow shell model. The ground state of 7H was considered as a rigid 3H core and 4 valence neutrons (coupled to J=0), which immediately gives Jπ(7Hg.s.)=1/2+. The many body basis of the Gamow shell model for the 7Hg.s. was generated from natural orbitals. The resonance energy of 7H was deduced. The results vary between 1-3 MeV with an uncertainty of 400-600 keV, depending on the different phenomenological NN interactions used. These results are more or less in agreement with the previous experimental results. α width of Γ≈0.1 MeV was deduced for the 7Hg.s., and it was recommended that the ground state of 7H is a very narrow resonance due to the 0p3/2 being a closed sub neutron shell in 7H.

2022Hi06: The ground state of 7H was considered as a five-body consisting of a solid 3H core interacting with 4 valence neutrons. The properties of the 7Hg.s. were computed in the 5-body cluster approximation (3H-n-n-n-n), which is considered to be the dominant decay channel for a low energy resonant state. α n-3H local interaction was constructed without any tensor component and adjusted in order to reproduce the n-3H phase shifts. These were calculated by solving the ab-initio four-nucleon scattering problem. The Gaussian Expansion Method was used to solve the five-body Schr~odinger equation for the 3H-n-n-n-n system. The Stabilization Method was used to estimate the complex energies of the 7H resonant state. As a result, instead of a narrow 7H resonant state in the vicinity of the 3H+4n threshold, a resonance was found at 9.5 MeV with a width of Γ=3.5 MeV. This result is in agreement with that of (2004Ao05), but it is in sharp contrast with the result of (2021Li62). The authors of (2022Hi06) argue that the Gamow shell model used in (2021Li62) underestimates the width. The results of (2022Hi06) are also inconsistent with the recent experimental results for the 7Hg.s. (2003Ko11, 2007Ca28, 2010Ni10, 2020Be01). Thus, it was mentioned in (2022Hi06) that the deduced wide resonance at 9.5 MeV may be linked to the experimental results of (2020Be01), where a resonance was found at E=6.5 MeV 5 with a width of Γ=2.0 MeV 5. It should be noted that the 6.5 MeV state measured in (2020Be01) is an unresolved doublet consisting of the first excited state and a candidate for the second excited state of 7H.

In the following reactions, excitation and resonance energies in 7H are given relative to the 3H+4n threshold.

XREFJπ(level) T1/2(level)
  0 BC  FGH 1/2+ < 300 keV
  4.2E3 5   C      (5/2+) 0.75 MeV
  6.3E3 5 ?  C      (3/2+) 0.9 MeV
  9.7E3 5   C       

E(level): Ex is deduced using Eres(3H+4n)=1.3 MeV 4.

T1/2(level): LABEL=Γ(MeV)

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Additional Level Data and Comments:

  01/2+ < 300 keV Eres(3H+4n)=1.3 MeV 4 is the weighted average of 0.73 MeV +58-47 (2022Ca10), 0.57 MeV +42-21 (2008Ca22), 1.8 MeV 5 (2020Be01), and 2.2 MeV 5 (2021Mu04).
E(level): Eres(3H+4n)=1.3 MeV 4 is the weighted average of 0.73 MeV +58-47 (2022Ca10), 0.57 MeV +42-21 (2008Ca22), 1.8 MeV 5 (2020Be01), and 2.2 MeV 5 (2021Mu04).
T1/2(level): from (2020Be01).
  4.2E3(5/2+) 0.75 MeV This state is expected (2021Mu04) to decay via 5Hg.s.+2n, where 5Hg.s., in turn, decays to 3H+2n. So, the decay may be sequential.
E(level): This state is expected (2021Mu04) to decay via 5Hg.s.+2n, where 5Hg.s., in turn, decays to 3H+2n. So, the decay may be sequential.
Jπ(level): from L=0 in a DWBA (using FRESCO) fit to the measured (2020Be01, 2021Mu04) efficiency corrected angular distributions of the 2H(8He,3He)7H reaction. The L=0 is inferred by the evaluator based on the Jπ assignments of the nuclei involved and the fact that the FRESCO calculation for the Jπ=3/2+ and 5/2+ excited states were performed in (2020Be01, 2021Mu04) assuming that the populations of these states occur, due to the collective excitation, via the proton transfers from the 8He(2+) state with β2=0.45.
T1/2(level): from Fig. 15 in (2021Mu04) and Fig. 4 in (2023Ni06).
  6.3E3(3/2+) 0.9 MeV Jπ(level): from L=0 in a DWBA (using FRESCO) fit to the measured (2020Be01, 2021Mu04) efficiency corrected angular distributions of the 2H(8He,3He)7H reaction. The L=0 is inferred by the evaluator based on the Jπ assignments of the nuclei involved and the fact that the FRESCO calculation for the Jπ=3/2+ and 5/2+ excited states were performed in (2020Be01, 2021Mu04) assuming that the populations of these states occur, due to the collective excitation, via the proton transfers from the 8He(2+) state with β2=0.45.
T1/2(level): from Fig. 15 in (2021Mu04) and Fig. 4 in (2023Ni06).
  9.7E3   This state may have a structure of dissolved core, where 3H breaks into p+n+n resulting in a p+6n configuration. But no experimental evidence exists.
E(level): This state may have a structure of dissolved core, where 3H breaks into p+n+n resulting in a p+6n configuration. But no experimental evidence exists.

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