Author: Jun Chen |  Citation: Nucl. Data Sheets 140, 1 (2017) |  Cutoff date: 30-Sep-2015 

 Full ENSDF file | Adopted Levels (PDF version) 

Q(β-)=-11.67×103 keV 16S(n)= 14422 keV 24S(p)= 529.6 keV 29Q(α)= -5531.2 keV 28
Reference: 2012WA38

  A  40Ti ε decay (52.4 MS)  B  40Ca(3He,t)
  C  40Ca(12C,12B)  D  40Ca(p,n),(pol p,n)

General Comments:

Other reactions:

40Ca(γ,π-): 1985To14, 1982To10: E=400 MeV. Measured σ, deduced pion production. 1973Gr21: E=340 MeV. Measured σ.

40Ca(π+,π): 1987Bo43, 1986Ir02, 1986Er09, 1984Er03, 1984Bo51, 1983Ba13, 1982Ba50: E=120, 165, 230 MeV. Measured σ(θ)

40Ca(π+,π+π-): 2001Ca53, 2000Bo38, 2000Gr28, 1999Bo25, 1997Bo15, 1996Bo09: E=283 MeV, measured pion invariant mass spectra

40Ca(6Li,6He): 1974Ga11: E=38 MeV. Upper limits on cross sections estimated for excitation energy up to 1700 as: <2.5 μb for 10|’ <0.4 μb for 30|’. No peaks were observed in 6He spectra

40Ca(6Li,6He): 1980GuZW: E=92 MeV. Measured σ, deduced t=1 magnetic giant resonance. Details of this study are not available

Delayed 2-proton radioactivity of 42Cr to levels in 40Sc is possible but none has been detected by 2001Gi01. An unexplained proton group at 2490 30 from 42Cr decay could be an L=0 2-proton transition from IAS to first excited 0+ state in 40Sc, but no γ rays were observed

In (12C,12B), 1988Vo06 identify population of 1+ states in 4.9-5.0 MeV region at low angles; a 6- state near 6 MeV at larger angles; and strong low-lying states of unnatural parity characterized by L=1, L=3 and L=5 transitions giving rise to 2-, 4- and 6- states, respectively. Population of a spin-flip dipole resonance (Jπ=0-,1-,2-) is suggested by strong enhancement of cross section in the 7-15 MeV range

All levels populated in 40Ti ε decay are proton unbound

Q-value: S(2n)=32120 200 (syst), S(2p)=6300.5 28, Q(εp)=5994.9 28 (2012Wa38)

XREFJπ(level) T1/2(level)
     0 BCD 4- 182.3 ms 7 
% ε = 100
% εp = 0.44 7
% εα = 0.017 5
    34.3 15  BCD (3-)  
   772.1 16  BCD (2-)  
   893.5 20  BCD (5-)  
  1670.7 19  B   (1-&2-)  
  1703.2 22  B    
  1797.0 24  B   (3-)  
  1871 3  B    
  1933 3  B    
  2276 7 A    1+  
  2370 4  B D (4-)  
  2746 7 A  D 1+  
  2933 11 A    1+  
  3030 B   (3-)  
  3135 17 AB   1+  
  3221 60 A    1+  
  3330 17 AB   1+  
  3409 62 AB   1+  
  3494 8 AB    
  3648 9 A    1+  
  3780 9 A    1+  
     3.9E3 1 A  D (1-,2-)  
  4060 22 A    1+  
  4129 21 A    1+  
  4264 9 A  D 1+  
  4359 8 A    0+  
  4518 12 A    1+  
XREFJπ(level) T1/2(level)
  4649 11 A    1+  
  4819 19 A    1+  
  4895 15 ?A     
  5014 22 A    1+  
  5080 29 A    1+  
  5221 29 ?A     
  5354 62 A    1+  
  5567 41 A    1+  
  5702 21 A    1+  
  5879 82 A    1+  
  6005 20 A    1+  
  6120 62 A    1+  
  6419 62 A    1+  
     7.5E3 25    D (6-)  
    12.9E3 37 AB D (0-,1-,2-)  

E(level): From (3He,t) for levels up to E=1933 keV and from 40Ti ε decay, unless otherwise noted.

Jπ(level): 1+ assignments for levels above E=1933 keV are from 40Ti ε decay based on log ft<5.2 from 0+; assignments for levels up to E=1933 keV are from DWBA analysis of σ(θ) in (3He,t) if applicable, unless otherwise noted.

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Additional Level Data and Comments:

     04- 182.3 ms 7 
% ε = 100
% εp = 0.44 7
% εα = 0.017 5
%εα, %εp: from 1982Ho09.
E(level): %εα, %εp: from 1982Ho09.
    34.3(3-)   T=1
dominant configuration=(πf7/2,νd3/2-1) (1986Ch19) in (p,n).
   772.1(2-)   XREF: C(740).
  2370(4-)   XREF: d(2300).
  27461+   T=1
XREF: d(2700).
  31351+   XREF: B(3140).
  33301+   XREF: B(3360).
  34091+   XREF: B(3450).
  3494   XREF: α(3534).
     3.9E3(1-,2-)   XREF: α(?).
  42641+   XREF: d(4300).
     7.5E3(6-)   T=1
dominant configuration=(πf7/2,νd5/2-1) (1983An06, 1986Ch19) in (p,n).
    12.9E3(0-,1-,2-)   XREF: d(12000).

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