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NSR database version of May 6, 2024.

Search: Author = D.D.Zhang

Found 7 matches.

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2024ZH07      Phys.Rev. C 109, 024316 (2024)

D.D.Zhang, B.Li, D.Vretenar, T.Niksic, Z.X.Ren, P.W.Zhao, J.Meng

Ternary quasifission in collisions of actinide nuclei

doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.109.024316
Citations: PlumX Metrics

2024ZH09      Phys.Rev. C 109, 024614 (2024)

D.D.Zhang, D.Vretenar, T.Niksic, P.W.Zhao, J.Meng

Multinucleon transfer with time-dependent covariant density functional theory

doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.109.024614
Citations: PlumX Metrics

2023ZH56      Int.J.Mod.Phys. E32, 2340009 (2023)


Octupole deformation and Ra puzzle with covariant density functional theory in three-dimensional lattice space

NUCLEAR STRUCTURE 212,215,218,221,224,227Ra; calculated potential energy surfaces in deformation parameters plane by the CDFT in 3D lattice space with PC-PK1; deduced the residual proton–neutron interaction from the AME2020 atomic mass evaluation.

doi: 10.1142/S0218301323400098
Citations: PlumX Metrics

2022ZH06      Phys.Rev. C 105, 024322 (2022)

D.D.Zhang, Z.X.Ren, P.W.Zhao, D.Vretenar, T.Niksic, J.Meng

Effects of rotation and valence nucleons in molecular α-chain nuclei

NUCLEAR STRUCTURE 12,16C, 16Ne; calculated Routhians, proton and neutron density distributions, location of the peak and the width of α-like cluster in the nuclei. 16C, 16Ne, 20O, 20Mg; calculated angular momentaand quadrupole deformation as functions of rotational frequency. 3D lattice Cranking covariant density functional theory (CDFT) calculations.

doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.105.024322
Citations: PlumX Metrics

2010ZH11      Phys.Rev. C 81, 044319 (2010)

D.-D.Zhang, Z.-Y.Ma, B.-Q.Chen, S.-F.Shen

α-decay half-lives of superheavy elements with the Dirac-Brueckner-Hartree-Fock (DBHF) nucleon effective interaction

RADIOACTIVITY 261,263Sg, 264,267,272Bh, 264,265,275Hs, 268Mt, 270,279,281Ds, 272Rg, 283,285Cn, 283,284Nh, 286,287,288,289Fl, 287,288Mc, 290,291,292,293Lv, 294Og; calculated half-lives using microscopic NN effective interaction based on the Dirac-Brueckner-Hartree-Fock (DBHF) approach and the M3Y effective interaction. Comparison with experimental data.

doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.81.044319
Citations: PlumX Metrics

2010ZH19      Chin.Phys.C 34, 334 (2010)

D.-D.Zhang, B.-Q.Chen, Z.-Y.Ma

Systematic studies on α-decay half-lives for super heavy nuclei

NUCLEAR STRUCTURE Z=102-120; calculated T1/2; deduced nucleus-nucleus potential. Performed cluster model (PCM).

doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/34/3/006
Citations: PlumX Metrics

2010ZO02      Chin.Phys.C 34, 56 (2010)

W.-H.Zou, Y.Tian, S.-F.Shen, J.-Z.Gu, B.-B.Peng, D.-D.Zhang, Z.-Y.Ma

Nuclear structure around 80Zr

NUCLEAR STRUCTURE 80,82,84Zr; calculated potential energy surfaces, ground state bands. Projected shell model (PSM) and relativistic Hartee-Bogoliubov (RHB) theory.

doi: 10.1088/1674-1137/34/1/010
Citations: PlumX Metrics

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