Author: M. Shamsuzzoha Basunia |  Citation: Nucl. Data Sheets 114, 1189 (2013) |  Cutoff date: 1-Apr-2013 

 Full ENSDF file | Adopted Levels (PDF version) 

Q(β-)=122.8×102 keV 10S(n)= 3.82×103 keV 12S(p)= 20.63×103 keV 21Q(α)= -9630 keV 150
Reference: 2012WA38

  A  1H(28Ne,28Ne’γ)  B  9Be(29Na,pγ),(30Mg,2pγ)
  C  9Be(29Na,N27NE)  D  Coulomb Excitation

General Comments:

1979Sy01: First production of 28Ne isotope from 40Ar fragmentation via 12C(40Ar,X) reaction, E=205 MeV/nucleon, deduced evidence for particle stability.

2007No13: 28Ne production cross section |J0.1 μb is measured in 40Ar fragmentation via 9Be(40Ar,X) reaction, E=90 MeV/nucleon and 94 MeV/nucleon.

2006Kh08: 28Ne beam, E=44.65 and 38.98 MeV/nucleon, bombarded a Si target, measured σ=2376 mb 31 and σ=2423 mb 37, respectively, for the Si(28Ne,X) reaction and a squared reduced-absorption radius of r02=1.253 fm2 12 is deduced and used to study the isospin dependence.

XREFJπ(level) T1/2(level)E(γ)
I(γ)M(γ)Final Levels
       0.0AB D 0+ 20 ms 1 
% β- = 100
% β-n = 12 1
% β-2n = 3.7 5
       0.0+X B          
  1127+X 4  B       1127 4 


    1304 3 AB D 2+ 5.7 ps 10    1304 3 
    3010 6 AB   (4+)     1706 5 

    3904 7  BC  (4+)      894 4 


E(level): From a least-squares fit to γ-ray energies.

E(γ): From 9Be(29Na,pγ) (2007RoZY)

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Additional Gamma Data:

MultipolarityAdditional Data
    1304 2+ 5.7 ps 10    1304 3 E2B(E2)(W.u.)=5.0 8

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Additional Level Data and Comments:

       0.00+ 20 ms 1 
% β- = 100
% β-n = 12 1
% β-2n = 3.7 5
δ<r2>(20Ne,28Ne)=-0.239 fm2 35 (stat) 213 (syst) (2011Ma48).
E(level): δ<r2>(20Ne,28Ne)=-0.239 fm2 35 (stat) 213 (syst) (2011Ma48).
    3904(4+)   XREF: C(3860).

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Additional Gamma Comments:

    1304    1304E(γ): Others: 1319 keV 22 ((28Ne,28Ne’γ)-2006Do09) and 1320 keV 20 (Coulomb excitation-1999Pr09).
    3010    1706E(γ): Others: 1711 keV 30 ((28Ne,28Ne’γ)-2006Do09).
    3904     894E(γ): Other: 936 28 (2005Be60). Placement of this γ ray is based on coincidence (better statistics) with 1706γ forming a single cascade in 2007RoZY. In contrary, the 936 keV γ ray (i.e. 894 keV γ ray in this dataset) is shown to feed the 2+ state at 1293 keV (1304 keV here), based on γγ coin of the 1293γ with both the 936γ and 1707γ (poor statistics) in 2005Be60.

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