Authors: J.H. Kelley, G.C. Sheu |  Citation: ENSDF |  Cutoff date: 1-Sept-2017 

 Full ENSDF file | Adopted Levels (PDF version) 

General Comments:

Evidence for resonant structure in 17Na has been reported in the 9Be(17Ne,17Na) reaction (2017Br07). The nucleus 17Na is unbound to proton decay and has been observed in a reconstruction of 3p+14O events. α broad group is observed in the 3p+14O invariant mass spectrum at Erel|<4.85 MeV 6; the group is thought to represent either the 17Na ground state or, more likely, a group of low-lying states. Prior to this discovery information on 17Na was theoretical in nature.

Mass models:

1966Ke16: Developed phenomenological model for predicting the mass of proton-rich nuclides. Deduced a mass excess ΔM=35.61 MeV. See also (1992Av03).

2013Ti01: An improved Kelson-Garvey mass relations model is presented that includes participation of many more relevant masses for the prediction of unmeasured proton-rich nuclear masses. The 17Na mass excess ΔM=35.346 MeV 23 is predicted.

Theoretical analysis:

2010Ti02: α microscopic cluster model based on the 17C mirror nucleus is explored, which includes consideration of excitations of the 16Ne core. Discussion on seven proton-unbound states, with Ex ranging from 0 to 3.01 MeV and Jπ=1/2+, 3/2+, 5/2+, 7/2+, (5/2+ or 3/2+), (3/2+ or 5/2+) and 9/2+, respectively, is given. Partial widths are given for decay to either the Jπ=0+ 16Neg.s. or Jπ=2+ state at Ex=1.7 MeV. The authors suggest the ground state should be a broad resonance with l=0 character.

2012Am01: α multichannel algebraic scattering (MCAS) approach is developed, which relates the 17Na structure with the mirror nuclide 17C and related n+16C interactions. Low-lying collective excitations in the core are taken into account and predictions are made for the low-energy levels of 17Na.

2012Am06: The authors evaluate three approaches for predicting the ground state mass: use of mass formulae based on analysis of isobar multiplets, consideration of mirror nuclei structures and spectra, and systematic evaluation of mass values and excited state energy trends in nearby nuclides. Predicted ground-state energies, rangeing from 1 to 4.3 MeV above the the p+16Ne binding threshold, are discussed within the framework of several models. See also (2013Am01).

2010Fo06, 2014Fo23, 2017Fo18: In 2010Fo06, predictions for the lowest three levels of 17Na are obtained based on a 17Na model where wave function amplitudes are based on those of the bound 17C states. The wavefunctions are developed by coupling either a s- or d-wave nucleon with α=16 states whose energies are computed in a core plus two-nucleon space based on the known 16C levels. Level energies, relative to the p+16Ne threshold, and partial widths for decay to either the ground or first excited state of 16Ne are given and compared with results from (2010Ti02). In 2014Fo23, the shell-model is updated results are compared with the prior literature. In 2017Fo18, a potential model utilizing the earlier shell model results is used to estimate the partial widths for the proton decay of 17Na to 16Ne states.

S(p)= -3.45×103 keV 7

  0 (1/2+)

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