Authors: J.H. Kelley, C.G. Sheu and J. E. Purcell |  Citation: Nucl. Data Sheets 198, 1 (2024) |  Cutoff date: 1-Aug-2024 

 Full ENSDF file | Adopted Levels (PDF version) 

S(n)= 17770 keV 10S(p)= 1512 keV 10Q(α)= -8220 keV 10
Reference: 2021Wa16

  A  1H(12N,p):RES  B  1H(14O,d)
  C  2H(12N,13O)  D  2H(14O,t)
  E  9Be(13O,13O),(13O,P12N)  F  9Be(16O,13O)
  G  12C(p,π-)  H  12C(15O,13O)
  I  13C(π+-)  J  13C(11B,11Li)
  K  14N(p,2n)  L  14N(12N,13O)
  M  16O(3He,6He)  N  28Si(13O,X)
  O  208Pb(13O,13O) 

General Comments:

{Theoretical studies:

Level properties and model analyses:

1978Gu10, 1987Sa15, 2001Sa06, 2001Su10, 2002Sa12, 2008Sh16, 2010Ti04, 2011Sh21, 2013Ti05, 2013Ma60, 2016Pa05, 2017Br02, 2020So01, 2022Zo01, 2023Me02

Charge symmetry in mirror nuclei:

1971Bl12, 1973Sa25, 1974Ch46, 1999Ba21, 2021Ca23, 2023Se01

Magnetic moments:

1999Ba21, 2003Su04, 2003Su28, 2013De06, 2016Me17, 2021Ca23

Analyzed β-decay, β-p decay data

1973Ha77, 1977Ce05, 1977Ri08, 1993Ch06

Solar and cosmogenic production rates:

2006Li57, 2018Ge07, 2019Zh29

In the early studies of (1984Se15, 1993Wa07) using 13C(π+-), the levels observed in the excitation spectrum appeared as broad groups with excitation energies around Ex=3, 4.5, 6 and 8.7 MeV. In the later work of (2007GuZW), using 16O(3He,6He), more structures are observed revealing a collection of narrower states. Finally, in the seminal work of (2021Ch45), analysis of the decay mechanism further resolved the groups observed by (2007GuZW) into narrower states that dominantly proton decay to different 12N states.

Q-value: S2n=40770 60; S2p=2112 10; Q(εp)=15826 10 (2021Wa16)

XREFJπ(level) T1/2(level)
     0.0 BCD FGHIJKLMNO 3/2- 8.58 ms 5 
% ε = 100
% β+p = 11.3 23
  2428 18 AB  E G     M   1/2+ 358 keV 19 
% p = 100
  3006 13     E   I       3/2+ 55 keV 19 
% p = 100
  3051 16     E   I   M   5/2+ 54 keV 19 
% p = 100
  3290 50 ?A           M   (1/2,3/2)- 75 keV 30 
  3692 13     E       M   7/2+ 53 keV 21 
% p = 100
  3721 16     E       M   (3/2+,5/2+,5/2-) 10 keV +19-10 
% p = 100
  4287 13  B  E   I   M   (3/2+,5/2+) 170 keV 25 
% p = 100
  4866 20     E           (1/2+,1/2-,3/2-) 103 keV 37 
% p = 100
  4892 25     E       M   7/2+ 323 keV 27 
% p = 100
  5483 17     E           7/2- 204 keV 41 
% p = 100
  5951 18     E   IJ  M   (7/2+,7/2-) 875 keV 68 
% p = 100
    ≈6.2E3?    E           % p = 100
     6.90E3 10             M   ≈ 160 keV
     8.7E3 2         IJ      3.1 MeV 5 

T1/2(level): LABEL=T1/2 or Γ

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Additional Level Data and Comments:

  24281/2+ 358 keV 19 
% p = 100
XREF: α(2.69×103)B(2.8×103)γ(2.82×103)M(2650).
E(level): Decays to p+12Ng.s.. See details in (2021Ch45) 9Be(13O,13O).
Jπ(level): From (2021Ch45) analysis of the m sub-state distributions obtained by comparison of measured 12N+p angular distributions with those expected for proton decay via the relevant s-, p- and d-wave components. Angular distributions are found that uniquely identify Jπ values.
  30063/2+ 55 keV 19 
% p = 100
E(level): Decays to p+12Ng.s.. See details in (2021Ch45) 9Be(13O,13O).
Jπ(level): From (2021Ch45) analysis of the m sub-state distributions obtained by comparison of measured 12N+p angular distributions with those expected for proton decay via the relevant s-, p- and d-wave components. Angular distributions are found that uniquely identify Jπ values.
  30515/2+ 54 keV 19 
% p = 100
E(level): Decays to p+12N(961 keV:2+). See details in (2021Ch45) 9Be(13O,13O).
Jπ(level): From (2021Ch45) analysis of the m sub-state distributions obtained by comparison of measured 12N+p angular distributions with those expected for proton decay via the relevant s-, p- and d-wave components. Angular distributions are found that uniquely identify Jπ values.
  3290(1/2,3/2)- 75 keV 30  E(level): Decay mode not specified.
  36927/2+ 53 keV 21 
% p = 100
E(level): Decays to p+12Ng.s.. See details in (2021Ch45) 9Be(13O,13O).
Jπ(level): From (2021Ch45) analysis of the m sub-state distributions obtained by comparison of measured 12N+p angular distributions with those expected for proton decay via the relevant s-, p- and d-wave components. Angular distributions are found that uniquely identify Jπ values.
  3721(3/2+,5/2+,5/2-) 10 keV +19-10 
% p = 100
E(level): Decays to p+12N(1.19 MeV:2-). See details in (2021Ch45) 9Be(13O,13O).
Jπ(level): From (2021Ch45) analysis of the m sub-state distributions obtained by comparison of measured 12N+p angular distributions with those expected for proton decay via the relevant s-, p- and d-wave components. Angular distributions are found that uniquely identify Jπ values.
  4287(3/2+,5/2+) 170 keV 25 
% p = 100
XREF: I(4210)M(4410).
E(level): Decays to p+12Ng.s.. See details in (2021Ch45) 9Be(13O,13O).
Jπ(level): From (2021Ch45) analysis of the m sub-state distributions obtained by comparison of measured 12N+p angular distributions with those expected for proton decay via the relevant s-, p- and d-wave components. Angular distributions are found that uniquely identify Jπ values.
  4866(1/2+,1/2-,3/2-) 103 keV 37 
% p = 100
E(level): Decays to p+12N(961 keV:2+). See details in (2021Ch45) 9Be(13O,13O).
Jπ(level): From (2021Ch45) analysis of the m sub-state distributions obtained by comparison of measured 12N+p angular distributions with those expected for proton decay via the relevant s-, p- and d-wave components. Angular distributions are found that uniquely identify Jπ values.
  48927/2+ 323 keV 27 
% p = 100
E(level): Decays to p+12Ng.s.. See details in (2021Ch45) 9Be(13O,13O).
Jπ(level): From (2021Ch45) analysis of the m sub-state distributions obtained by comparison of measured 12N+p angular distributions with those expected for proton decay via the relevant s-, p- and d-wave components. Angular distributions are found that uniquely identify Jπ values.
  54837/2- 204 keV 41 
% p = 100
E(level): Decays to p+12N(1.19 MeV:2-). See details in (2021Ch45) 9Be(13O,13O).
Jπ(level): From (2021Ch45) analysis of the m sub-state distributions obtained by comparison of measured 12N+p angular distributions with those expected for proton decay via the relevant s-, p- and d-wave components. Angular distributions are found that uniquely identify Jπ values.
  5951(7/2+,7/2-) 875 keV 68 
% p = 100
XREF: J(6×103).
E(level): Decays to p+12N(961 keV:2+). See details in (2021Ch45) 9Be(13O,13O).
Jπ(level): From (2021Ch45) analysis of the m sub-state distributions obtained by comparison of measured 12N+p angular distributions with those expected for proton decay via the relevant s-, p- and d-wave components. Angular distributions are found that uniquely identify Jπ values.
     6.2E3 % p = 100
E(level): Decays to p+12N(1.19 MeV:2-). See details in (2021Ch45) 9Be(13O,13O).
     6.90E3 ≈ 160 keV From (2007GuZW: ΔE and Γ est.) 16O(3He,6He).
E(level): Decay mode not specified.
     8.7E3 3.1 MeV 5  E(level): Decay mode not specified.

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