CSEWG Covariance Committee


The Covariance Committee (CovCom) of CSEWG was formally established by the Executive Committee of CSEWG during its annual meeting on 5 November 2007. It had been recognized for some time that CSEWG needed to devote more attention to this aspect of nuclear data evaluation in response to the growing demand for nuclear data uncertainty information from the nuclear applications community. Furthermore, it was felt by the CSEWG leadership that this could be accomplished best by maintaining a standing committee devoted specifically to this activity. This committee would operate on a par with, and in close collaboration with, the previously existing standing committees: Evaluation Committee, Formats and Processing Committee, Measurements Committee, and Data Testing Committee.


It is well recognized that covariances are an integral part of an evaluation, and their generation cannot be appropriately decoupled from the evaluation process. Therefore, it is not the objective of CovCom to unilaterally produce covariances for ENDF/B evaluations. Instead, the mission of this committee will be:

Methods of Operation

With the exception of quality control reviews of covariance information submitted for inclusion in ENDF/B, the activities of this committee normally will be task oriented but relatively unstructured. However, the following general features will characterize the workings of this organization: