Experimental Unevaluated Nuclear Data List (XUNDL)

Contains nuclear structure and decay data from published articles. Data include nuclear level properties, such as energy, half-life, decay modes, spin and parity, as well as energy and intensity for radiation types such as gammas, alphas, betas and neutrons. For articles published in Physical Review C and the European Physical Journal, compilation takes place during the article submission process. Data from approximately 250 articles are added per year. All the compilation effort is supported by the US Nuclear Data Program and coordinated by the National Nuclear Data Center at Brookhaven National Laboratory, which is also responsible for its web dissemination.

Deposition Summary

Depositor: Elizabeth Ricard-McCutchan
Contact: mccutchan@bnl.gov
Deposition date: 2022/03/29
Last modified: 2024/01/30
DOI: 10.18139/nndc.xundl/1860326

Latest Dataset

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