Author: Balraj Singh |  Citation: Nucl. Data Sheets 114, 1 (2013) |  Cutoff date: 20-Oct-2012 

 Full ENSDF file | Adopted Levels (PDF version) 

Q(β-)=-5610 keV 24S(n)= 1.252×104 keV 7S(p)= 4286 keV 25Q(α)= -5.21×103 keV 3
Reference: 2012WA38

  A  89Mo ε decay (2.11 M)  B  58Ni(36Ar,5PG)
  C  89Y(3He,3nγ)  D  89Y(α,4nγ)
  E  90Zr(3He,p3nγ)  F  92Mo(p,α)

General Comments:

Two activities in 89Nb isotope produced and identified by 1954Di16 in bombardment of Nb and Zr with protons, followed by half-life measurement. Later studies of 89Nb decay: 1955Ma13, 1964Bu11, 1966Hy02, 1966Ha45, 1969HaZP, 1971Ar16, 1974Vo08, 1997Hi06

Structure calculations: 2011Ro08, 1997He24, 1996Ru02, 1992Si15, 1985Am02

Levels: 1993Bo33 give detailed shell-model calculations for high-spin (J>13/2) levels

Q-value: Note: Current evaluation has used the following Q record -5635 27 12546 58 4310 27 -5233 33 2011AuZZ

Q-value: S(2n)=22918 28, S(2p)=12210 27 (2011AuZZ)

Q-value: Values in 2003Au03: Q(β-)=-5650 30, S(n)=12650 100, S(p)=4316 29 Q(α)=-5230 30, S(2n)=22610 70, S(2p)=12210 27

XREFJπ(level) T1/2(level)E(γ)
I(γ)M(γ)Final Levels
     0.0ABCDEF (9/2+) 2.03 h 7 
% ε = 100
   <35A    F (1/2)- 66 m 2 
% ε = 100
   658.6 2 AB  E  (7/2+)      658.6 2 
   760     F        
  ≈838?A           803.0 10 

   844.0 10 A    F (7/2,9/2,11/2)      844.0 5 

  1003.41 10  BCDEF (13/2+)     1003.4 1 
  1155.3 3 A   EF (7/2,9/2,11/2)      496.4 5 ?
  1155.3 3 
    11.0 9 
   100 10 

  1272.0 3 A      (7/2,9/2,11/2)     1272.0 3 

  1550     F        
  1640.2 10 A      (7/2,9/2,11/2)     1640.2 10 

  1694.0 4 ?A    F     1035.4 3 ?

  1789.6 11 ?A    F     1131 1 ?

  1935.29 14  BCDE  (17/2+)      931.88 9 
  2050     F        
  2136.4 2     E  (15/2)     1133.0 2 
  2151.56 16  BCDE  (17/2-) 0.51 ns 5     216.2 1 
  2191.5 2  B         1188.1 2 

  2192.92 16  BCDE  (21/2+) 13.8 ns 4     257.7 1 
  2221.0 10 A    F (7/2,9/2,11/2)     2221.0 10 

  2420.0 10 A      (7/2,9/2,11/2)     2420.0 10 

  2517.8 2  BCDE  (21/2-)      366.7 2 
  2522.98 18  BCDE  (19/2+)      330.1 1 
  2728.1 3     E       792.8 2 

  2935.0 3     E       206.9 1 


  2955.70 18  BCDE  (23/2+) < 0.35 ps    762.8 1 
  3135.2 2     E  (19/2-)      617.9 2 
   983.2 2 
   100 11 

XREFJπ(level) T1/2(level)E(γ)
I(γ)M(γ)Final Levels
  3141.94 17  B DE  (21/2-) < 10 ps    619.0 1 
   949.0 2 
   990.3 1 
    17.3 24 
     1.4 5 
   100 11 
  3402.99 19  BCDE  (25/2+) 3.5 ps 14     447.3 1 
  3805.68 18  B DE  (25/2-) 34.7 ps 14     402.7 1 
   663.7 1 
   850.1 2 
    74 8 
   100 12 
     5.6 9 
  4076.02 19  B     (25/2+)     1120.3 1 
  1883.1 2 
    52 8 
   100 8 

  4553.6 2  B DE  (27/2-) < 0.7 ps    747.9 1 
  4797.2 3 ? B          721.2 2 

  4808.7 2  B D   (29/2-) 2.70 ps 21     255.1 1 
  1003.0 1 
   100 17 
    75 17 
  4908.5 3 ? B          354.8 2 

  5041.3 2  B     (29/2+) 0.76 ps 28     244.2 2 
   965.3 1 
  1638.3 2 
    10.5 9 
    26 5 
   100 10 


  5324.1 2  B     (31/2-)      515.4 1 
  5407.3 2  B          498.4 3 
   853.8 2 
  1601.6 2 
    33 5 
    54 5 
   100 13 


  5697.7 2  B     (33/2-)      373.6 1 

  5917.0 3 ? B          875.7 3 

  6100.2 2  B     (33/2+) 1.25 ps 14     183.2 3 
   402.5 2 
  1058.8 1 
     8.2 27 
    28 14 
   100 11 


  6131.5 3  B          724.3 2 


  6451.8 3 ? B          320.3 1 


  6547.5 2  B          416.0 2 
  1223.2 2 
  1738.9 2 
   100 17 
    43 7 
    97 13 


XREFJπ(level) T1/2(level)E(γ)
I(γ)M(γ)Final Levels
  6658.3 3 ? B          558.1 2 

  6949.6 4  B          497.8 2 


  7272.6 6  B          614.3 5 


E(level): From least-squares fit to Eγ data

Jπ(level): For levels populated in in-beam γ-ray studies, ascending spins are assumed as the excitation energy increases. Further, ΔJ=2 transitions are assumed as E2 and ΔJ=1 transitions, generally, as M1+E2

T1/2(level): From recoil-distance Doppler shift (RDDS) and differential decay curve method (DDCM) (1995Za11), unless otherwise stated

M(γ): Mult=Q is from ΔJ=2, further restricted to E2 for known lifetimes. Mult=d or D+Q (restricted to M1+E2 for significant admixture) from ΔJ=1, and mult=d (E1) from ΔJ=0

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Additional Gamma Data:

Additional Data
  2151.56 (17/2-) 0.51 ns 5     216.2 1 (E1) 0.0129B(E1)(W.u.)=6.5E-5 7, α=0.0129
  2192.92 (21/2+) 13.8 ns 4     257.7 1 E2 0.0386B(E2)(W.u.)=1.47 5, α=0.0386
  2955.70 (23/2+) < 0.35 ps    762.8 1 (M1+E2)-0.03 2B(M1)(W.u.)>(0.14)
  3141.94 (21/2-) < 10 ps    619.0 1 [E1] B(E1)(W.u.)>2.1E-5
(21/2-) < 10 ps    949.0 2 [E1] B(E1)(W.u.)>4.7E-7
(21/2-) < 10 ps    990.3 1 (E2) B(E2)(W.u.)>2.1
  3402.99 (25/2+) 3.5 ps 14     447.3 1 (M1+E2)-0.10 5B(E2)(W.u.)=(4 4), B(M1)(W.u.)=(0.07 3)
  3805.68 (25/2-) 34.7 ps 14     402.7 1 (E1) B(E1)(W.u.)=6.2E-5 9
(25/2-) 34.7 ps 14     663.7 1 E2 B(E2)(W.u.)=3.0 5
(25/2-) 34.7 ps 14     850.1 2 [E1] B(E1)(W.u.)=5.0E-7 10
  4076.02 (25/2+)     1120.3 1 D+Q-0.12 7 
  4553.6 (27/2-) < 0.7 ps    747.9 1 (M1+E2)-0.09 6B(M1)(W.u.)>(0.074)
  4808.7 (29/2-) 2.70 ps 21     255.1 1 (M1+E2)-0.09 40.0186B(E2)(W.u.)=(40 40), B(M1)(W.u.)=(0.28 7), α=0.0186 4
(29/2-) 2.70 ps 21    1003.0 1 [E2] B(E2)(W.u.)=3.7 11
  5041.3 (29/2+) 0.76 ps 28     965.3 1 [E2] B(E2)(W.u.)=7 3
(29/2+) 0.76 ps 28    1638.3 2 (E2) B(E2)(W.u.)=2.0 8
  6100.2 (33/2+) 1.25 ps 14     402.5 2 [E1] B(E1)(W.u.)=0.0009 5
(33/2+) 1.25 ps 14    1058.8 1 (E2) B(E2)(W.u.)=10.6 22

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Additional Level Data and Comments:

     0.0(9/2+) 2.03 h 7 
% ε = 100
μ=6.216 5 (1997Hi06,2011StZZ)
Configuration=πg9/2 (1993Bo33).
    35(1/2)- 66 m 2 
% ε = 100
%IT<0.002 if E(isomer)=35 keV and if 66-min state lies above the 2.0-h state.
   844.0(7/2,9/2,11/2)   Jπ(level): Probable ε,β+ feeding (allowed or first forbidden) from (9/2+).
  1003.41(13/2+)   Configuration=πg9/2(νg9/2-2)2+.
  1155.3(7/2,9/2,11/2)   Jπ(level): Probable ε,β+ feeding (allowed or first forbidden) from (9/2+).
  1272.0(7/2,9/2,11/2)   Jπ(level): Probable ε,β+ feeding (allowed or first forbidden) from (9/2+).
  1640.2(7/2,9/2,11/2)   Jπ(level): Probable ε,β+ feeding (allowed or first forbidden) from (9/2+).
  2221.0(7/2,9/2,11/2)   XREF: F(2200).
Jπ(level): Probable ε,β+ feeding (allowed or first forbidden) from (9/2+).
  2420.0(7/2,9/2,11/2)   Jπ(level): Probable ε,β+ feeding (allowed or first forbidden) from (9/2+).

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Additional Gamma Comments:

   658.6   658.6E(γ): from (3He,p3nγ) (1982Di09) and 89Mo ε decay (1983OxZZ)
  1155.3  1155.3E(γ): from 89Mo ε decay
  2151.56   216.2M(γ): γ(θ) and ΔJπ
  3805.68   402.7I(γ): 118 13 in (α,4nγ)
  5041.3   244.2I(γ): in table III (1993Bo33), Iγ values of 244γ and 965γ are reversed: Iγ(244γ)=26 7, Iγ(965γ)=10 3
   965.3I(γ): see comment for 244 γ

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