Author: Balraj Singh | Citation: ENSDF | Cutoff date: 31-JUL-2014
Author: Balraj Singh | Citation: Nucl. Data Sheets 105, 223 (2005) | Cutoff date: 22-Jun-2005
Full ENSDF file | Adopted Levels (PDF version)
Q(β-)=15220 keV SY | S(n)= 2600 keV SY | S(p)= 16010 keV SY | Q(α)= -14760 keV SY | ||
Reference: 2012WA38 |
E(level) (keV) | T1/2(level) |
0 | 113.6 ms +82-38 % β- = 100 % β-n = ? % β-2n = ? |
Additional Level Data and Comments:
E(level) | Jπ(level) | T1/2(level) | Comments |
0 | 113.6 ms +82-38 % β- = 100 % β-n = ? % β-2n = ? | In 2010Ho12, a total of 16 implants were detected, and no correlated βn coincidences were observed. |
1997Be70, 1995En07: 80Cu produced and identified in 9Be(238U,F), E=750 MeV/nucleon; measured production σ, residuals fission yields. Fully-stripped fission product separation using fragment separator, tof
2010Ho12: 80Cu produced in 9Be(86Kr,X) reaction at E=140 MeV/nucleon; fully-ionized 86Kr beam, A1900 fragment separator at NSCL facility using Bρ-ΔE-Bρ method. After separation, the mixed beam was implanted into the NSCL β-counting system (BCS) consisting of stacks of Si PIN detectors, a double-sided Si strip detector (DSSD) for implantation of ions, and six single-sided Si strip detectors (SSSD) followed by two Si PIN diodes. The identification of each implanted event was made from energy loss, time-of-flight information and magnetic rigidity. The implantation detector measured time and position of ion implantations and β decays. Neutrons were detected with NERO detector. Measured β- and βn-correlated events with ion implants; half-life of 80Cu
2014Xu07: 80Cu nuclide produced in 9Be(238U,F) reaction with a 238U86+ beam of 345 MeV/nucleon produced by the RIKEN accelerator complex. Separation of 80Cu nuclei was made on the basis of magnetic rigidity, time-of-flight and energy loss of the fragments (ΔE-Bρ-tof method) using BigRIPS fragment separator and and ZeroDegree Spectrometer (ZDS) at RIBF-RIKEN facility. Based on α/Q spectrum and Z versus α/Q plot. Measured heavy fragment, β and γ spectra using wide-range active silicon strip stopper array (WAS3ABi) for β and ion detection, and EUROBALL-RIKEN Cluster array for γ detection. Decay curves were obtained from time differences between implantation and correlated β decays
2003Bo06: theoretical calculation of half-life, %β-n
Q-value: Estimated uncertainties (2012Wa38): 600 for Q(β-), 720 for S(n), 1000 for S(p) and Q(α)
Q-value: S(2n)=8080 780, Q(β-n)=8930 600 (syst,2012Wa38). S(2p)=36030 (1997Mo25,calculated)