Author: Jun Chen |  Citation: Nucl. Data Sheets 196, 17 (2024) |  Cutoff date: 30-Sep-2023 

 Full ENSDF file | Adopted Levels (PDF version) 

Q(β-)=15880 keV SYS(n)= 1730 keV SYS(p)= 20460 keV SYQ(α)= -14100 keV SY
Reference: 2021Wa16

General Comments:

$ 2009Ta05,2009Ta24: 63Ti was produced and identified by fragmentation of 76Ge beam at 132 MeV/nucleon at NSCL facility using A1900 fragment separator combined with S800 analysis beam line to form a two stage separator system. The transmitted fragments were analyzed event-by-event in momentum and particle identification. The nuclei of interest were stopped in eight Si diodes which provided measurement of energy loss, nuclear charge and total kinetic energy. The time-of-flight of each particle that reached the detector stack was measured in four different ways using plastic scintillators, Si detectors, and parallel-plate avalanche counters. The simultaneous measurement of ΔE signals, the magnetic rigidity, total kinetic energy and the time-of-flight (tof) provided unambiguous identification of the atomic number, charge state and mass number. Measured cross sections.

$ Theoretical calculations:

$ 2023Ta03: calculated isotope production cross sections

$ 2011Gu03: calculated rms radii of p-wave valence neutron distribution

$ 1985Bu27,1971Pe16: calculated isomeric state single nucleon decay T1/2

Q-value: ΔQ(β-)=610, ΔS(n)=640, ΔS(p)=780, ΔQ(α)=780 (syst,2021Wa16)

Q-value: S(2n)=5630 580, S(2p)=39450 940, Q(β-n)=11280 570 (syst,2021Wa16)


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Additional Level Data and Comments:

  0   σ=10-11 mb +2-1 (read by the evaluator from figure 2 of 2009Ta05 and also figure 8 and 9 of 2009Ta24).
E(level): σ=10-11 mb +2-1 (read by the evaluator from figure 2 of 2009Ta05 and also figure 8 and 9 of 2009Ta24).

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