Authors: Jun Chen and Balraj Singh |  Citation: Nucl. Data Sheets 157, 1 (2019) |  Cutoff date: 15-Apr-2019 

 Full ENSDF file | Adopted Levels (PDF version) 

S(n)= 20390 keV SYS(p)= 1530 keV SYQ(α)= -7460 keV SY
Reference: 2017WA10

General Comments:

1994Bl10: first identification of 50Ni isotope. Fragmentation reaction used to produce 50Ni isotope at GSI facility. Primary beam: 58Ni at 650 MeV/nucleon; target:9Be. Fragment separator: FRS at GSI.

2003Ma34: fragmentation reaction used to produce 50Ni isotope at GSI facility. Primary beam: 58Ni at 650 MeV/nucleon; target=9Be. Fragment separator: FRS at GSI. Fragments implanted in a telescope of eight Si detectors and identified by charge and charge/mass ratio, including time-of-flight method. Measured βp spectra following fragment implantation, half-life and delayed proton branch. This work is from the same laboratory as 1994Bl10.

2007Do17: fragmentation reaction used to produce 50Ni isotope at SISSE/LISE3 facility in GANIL. Primary beam: 58Ni26+ at 74.5 MeV/nucleon; target=natural Ni. Fragment separator=α-LISE3. Identification by energy loss, residual energy and time-of-flight measurements using two micro-channel plate (MCP) detectors and Si detectors. Double-sided silicon-strip detectors (DSSSD) and a thick Si(Li) detector were used to detect implanted events, charged particles and β particles. γ rays were detected by Ge detectors. Coincidences measured between charged particles, β rays and γ rays.

Theory references: consult the NSR database ( for 30 primary references dealing with various aspects of nuclear structure

Q-value: Estimated ΔS(n)=780, ΔS(p)=ΔQ(α)=710 (2017Wa10)

Q-value: Q(εp)=13340 500, S(2n)=37060 710, S(2p)=700 640 (syst,2017Wa10). Q(ε2p)=10598 500 (syst, deduced by evaluator from mass excesses in 2017Wa10)

Jπ(level) T1/2(level)
  0 0+ 18.5 ms 12 
% ε = 100
% εp = 73 6
% EC2P = 14 5

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Additional Level Data and Comments:

  00+ 18.5 ms 12 
% ε = 100
% εp = 73 6
% EC2P = 14 5
%εp=86.7 39 is total delayed proton branch in 2007Do17 from time spectrum of events with energy >900 keV in the charged-particle spectrum, out of which 14% 5 seems associated with ε2p branch, from the observed intensity of 1972 proton group in 2007Do17. Possible small contribution from delayed-α is ignored. Other %εp=70 20 (2003Ma34).
E(level): %εp=86.7 39 is total delayed proton branch in 2007Do17 from time spectrum of events with energy >900 keV in the charged-particle spectrum, out of which 14% 5 seems associated with ε2p branch, from the observed intensity of 1972 proton group in 2007Do17. Possible small contribution from delayed-α is ignored. Other %εp=70 20 (2003Ma34).

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