Author: Coral M. Baglin |  Citation: Nucl. Data Sheets 113, 1871 (2012) |  Cutoff date: 15-Jun-2012 

 Full ENSDF file | Adopted Levels (PDF version) 

Q(β-)=4.30×103 keV 8S(n)= 5.31×103 keV 8S(p)= 7.70×103 keV 9Q(α)= -4.0×102 keV 11
Reference: 2012WA38

  A  192Re IT decay (85 μs)  B  192Re IT decay (61 S)
  C  9Be(208Pb,X) 

General Comments:

Identification: excitation functions for neutrons on 192Os, observation of known 192Os transitions in (n,p) product (1979KaYT). Also produced in fragmentation of 1 GeV/nucleon 208Pb by a 9Be target (2012Al05, 2011St21, 2008StZY, 2005Ca02, 2001Ca13) and fragmentation of 950 MeV/nucleon 197Au by a Be target (1999Be63).

Levels: The presence of a long-lived, low-energy isomer could arise from a spin trap resulting from the proximity of states formed from parallel and antiparallel coupling of high |W orbitals. Calculations indicate a possible Kπ=8+ ν11/2[615]+π5/2[402] g.s. with a Kπ=3+ ν11/2[615]-π5/2[402] state near 250 keV; alternatively, the g.s. could be Kπ=2- ν9/2[505]-π5/2[402] with various high-J states nearby arising from coupling a 9/2[505], 3/2[512] or 11/2[615] proton with a 5/2[402] or 9/2[514] neutron (2012ReZZ). Another possibility is the coexistence of oblate and prolate shapes; total Routhian surface calculations predict a γ-soft prolate-centered g.s. with a possible oblate state nearby created by the addition of a small amount of collective angular momentum (2012ReZZ).

Levels: For cranked Woods-Saxon-Stutinsky calculation of shape of Re, see 2006Wa31; oblate rotation predicted to coexist with high-K prolate rotation in 192Re.

Q-value: Note: Current evaluation has used the following Q record 4.11×103 SY5.49×103 SY7950 syst -5.3×102 syst 2003Au03,2011AuZZ

Q-value: ΔQ(β)=200, ΔS(n)=200, ΔS(p)=280, ΔQ(α)=280 (2003Au03).

XREF T1/2(level)E(γ)
I(γ)M(γ)Final Levels
    0.0ABC 16 s 1 
% β- = 100
  160.1 2 ?A       160.1 2 

  160.1+X?A   85 µs 10 
% IT = 100


  267 10  B  61 s +40-20 
% IT = 100
  267 10 


E(level): From Eγ, except as noted.

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Additional Gamma Data:

Additional Data
  160.1     160.1 2 (M1)1.353α=1.353

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Additional Level Data and Comments:


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Additional Gamma Comments:

  160.1+X    XE(γ): x |<50 keV; see comment on level energy.
M(γ): possibly E1 (2005Ca02). I(x, 192Re) too low for transition to be M2 (2011St21).
  267  267E(γ): from level-energy difference; γ to g.s. reported in 192Re IT decay (61 s), but Eγ unstated by authors.

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