Author: Balraj Singh |  Citation: Nucl. Data Sheets 110, 1 (2009) |  Cutoff date: 20-Nov-2008 

 Full ENSDF file | Adopted Levels (PDF version) 

S(n)= 13540 keV 424S(p)= -1241.0 keV 18Q(α)= 3441 keV 300
S(2p)= 804 keV 18Q(EC)= 11434 keV 425Q(ECp)= 9093 keV 358
Reference: 2017WA10

  A  96Ru(58Ni,p2nγ) 

General Comments:

1982Ho04: 96Ru(58Ni,X) E=240-302 MeV. 151Lu is produced by p2n channel or from 151Hf ε decay. 151Hf would be produced by 3n channel. Isotopic identification was done on the basis of the Q(proton) systematics, excitation functions, and kinematic properties of recoil products. On the basis of the absence of coincidences with annihilation radiation and K x-rays, the authors conclude that the protons are not from β-delayed proton decay mode but from direct proton decay.

1993Se04: 96Ru(58Ni,X) E=300, 311 MeV. 151Lu separated by recoil- mass separator. Measured proton spectra and T1/2. 151Lu is either directly produced by p2n channel or from 151Hf (produced in 3n channel) ε decay

1999Bi14: 96Ru(58Ni,X) E=266 MeV. 151Lu separated by recoil- mass separator. Measured proton spectra, T1/2, (proton)(implant) correlations 1999Bi14: observation of proton radioactivity from both g.s. and isomer

Review of experimental data: 2002Ry05, 2002So02, 1995Ho26

Theoretical calculations (T1/2, %p, deformation parameters, spin-parity assignments, etc.): 2008Ba32, 2007Ka60, 2007Me28, 2006De07, 2002Ma62, 2001Se04, 2000Fe02

Levels: α high-spin isomer e.g. (27/2-), πh11/23 isomer in 147Ho is expected in 151Lu also. From recoil-decay tagging method, 1998Yu05 establish an upper limit of 7 ms for such an isomer from observation of delayed γ-ray spectrum preceding proton emission from 151Lu. It is possible that the 2454.6-keV level proposed in 2007LiZR may correspond to such an isomer

XREFJπ(level) T1/2(level)E(γ)
I(γ)Final Levels
     0A 11/2- 80.6 ms 20 
% p = 63.4 9
% ε = 36.6 9
    78 10   3/2+ 16 µs 1 
% p = 100
   612.3 7 A (15/2-)     612.3 7 
  1474.9 10 A (19/2-)     862.6 7 
  2426.9 13 A (23/2-)     952.0 7 
  2454.6 16 A (25/2,27/2-)       
  2856.6 14 A (27/2-)     402.0 7 
  430.6 7 
    92 15 
   100 15 
  3070.0 14 A (27/2-)     642.2 7 
  3392.9 15 A (31/2-)     322.0 7 
  3696.1 15 A (31/2-)     302.3 7 
  840.4 7 
   100 19 
  3998.4 16 A (35/2-)     302.3 7 

Jπ(level): From systematics of n=80 isotones unless otherwise stated

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Band Transitions:

Jπ(level) T1/2(level)E(γ)I(γ)Final Levels
Band 1 - γ cascade based on h11/2 g.s.
     0 11/2- 80.6 ms 20 
% p = 63.4 9
% ε = 36.6 9
   612.3 7  (15/2-)       
  1474.9 10  (19/2-)     862.6 7 
  2426.9 13  (23/2-)     952.0 7 
  2856.6 14  (27/2-)     402.0 7 
  430.6 7 
    92 15 
   100 15 
  3696.1 15  (31/2-)       
  3998.4 16  (35/2-)     302.3 7 

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Additional Level Data and Comments:

     011/2- 80.6 ms 20 
% p = 63.4 9
% ε = 36.6 9
σ(maximum)=70 μb at 50~MeV of excitation energy (1982Ho04).
E(level): γ cascade based on h11/2 g.s. The 612.3-862.6 cascade is built either on 11/2- (πh11/2) g.s. or on 3/2+ (mainly πd3/2) isomer at 77 keV. The former possibility is preferred by 1998Yu05 based on systematics of n=80 isotones.
Jπ(level): From calculations of 2006De07 and 2000Fe02.
    783/2+ 16 µs 1 
% p = 100
Configuration is mainly πd3/2 but calculated width (2002Ry05, 2001Se04) is about a factor of two larger than the experimental value which suggests admixtures with πs1/2 and πd3/2 coupled to 2+ state of 150Yb, expected at ≈600~keV.
E(level): Configuration is mainly πd3/2 but calculated width (2002Ry05, 2001Se04) is about a factor of two larger than the experimental value which suggests admixtures with πs1/2 and πd3/2 coupled to 2+ state of 150Yb, expected at ≈600~keV. The 612.3-862.6 cascade is built either on 11/2- (πh11/2) g.s. or on 3/2+ (mainly πd3/2) isomer at 77 keV. The former possibility is preferred by 1998Yu05 based on systematics of n=80 isotones.
Jπ(level): From calculations of 2006De07 and 2000Fe02.
   612.3(15/2-)   E(level): γ cascade based on h11/2 g.s.
  1474.9(19/2-)   E(level): γ cascade based on h11/2 g.s.
  2426.9(23/2-)   E(level): γ cascade based on h11/2 g.s.
  2856.6(27/2-)   E(level): γ cascade based on h11/2 g.s.
  3696.1(31/2-)   E(level): γ cascade based on h11/2 g.s.
  3998.4(35/2-)   E(level): γ cascade based on h11/2 g.s.

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