Author: Balraj Singh |  Citation: ENSDF |  Cutoff date: 31-DEC-2016 

Authors: Balraj Singh, Alexander A. Rodionov and Yuri L. Khazov |  Citation: Nucl. Data Sheets 109, 517 (2008) |  Cutoff date: 22-Jan-2008 

 Full ENSDF file | Adopted Levels (PDF version) 

Q(β-)=14100 keV SYS(n)= 2940 keV SYS(p)= 14200 keV CAQ(α)= -7560 keV CA
Reference: 2012WA38,1997MO25

General Comments:

2002Di12: 135In nuclide produced in 238U(n,F) reaction, where neutrons were obtained from spallation of a tantalum target by 1.4 GeV protons at CERN/ISOLDE facility. The 135In ions were identified by using isobaric selectivity of a resonance-ionization LASER ion-source. Measured T1/2 and β-delayed neutrons

2015Lo04: 135In nuclide produced at RIBF-RIKEN facility in 9Be(238U,F) reaction at E=345 MeV/nucleon with an average intensity of 6×1010 ions/s. Identification of 135In was made by determining atomic Z and mass-to-charge ratio α/Q, where Q=charge state of the ions. The selectivity of ions was based on magnetic rigidity, time-of-flight and energy loss. The separated nuclei were implanted at a rate of 50 ions/s in a stack of eight double-sided silicon-strip detector (WAS3ABi), surrounded by EURICA array of 84 HPGe detectors. Correlations were recorded between the implanted ions and β rays. The half-life of 135In isotope was measured from the correlated ion-β decay curves and maximum likelihood analysis technique as described in 2014Xu07. Comparison of measured half-lives with FRDM+QRPA, KTUY+GT2 and DF3+CQRPA theoretical calculations

Q-value: Estimated ΔQ(β-)=400, ΔS(n)=500 (syst,2012Wa38)

Q-value: Q(β-) and S(n) from 2012Wa38; S(p) and Q(α) from theory (1997Mo25)

Q-value: S(2n)=5210 450, Q(β-n)=11830 400 (syst,2012Wa38). S(2p)=31850 (theory,1997Mo25)

  0 101 ms 5 
% β- = 100
% β-2n = ?
% β-n > 0

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Additional Level Data and Comments:

  0 101 ms 5 
% β- = 100
% β-2n = ?
% β-n > 0
Theoretical %β-n=95 (2002Di12, QRPA calculations).

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