Author: Balraj Singh |  Citation: ENSDF |  Cutoff date: 30-JUN-2017 

Author: Balraj Singh |  Citation: ENSDF |  Cutoff date: 20-JUL-2015 

Authors: K. Kitao, Y. Tendow and A. Hashizume |  Citation: Nucl. Data Sheets 96, 241 (2002) |  Cutoff date: 1-Dec-2001 

 Full ENSDF file | Adopted Levels (PDF version) 

Q(β-)=8800 keV SYS(n)= 5520 keV SYS(p)= 16930 keV CAQ(α)= -10940 keV CA
Reference: 2017WA10

General Comments:

2010Oh02: 120Ru nuclide produced and identified in Be(238U,F) and Pb(238U,F) reactions with a 238U86+ beam energy of 345 MeV/nucleon produced by the cascade operation of the RBIF accelerator complex of the linear accelerator RILAC and four cyclotrons RRC, fRC, IRC and SRC. Identification of 120Ru nuclei was made on the basis of magnetic rigidity, time-of-flight and energy loss of the fragments using BigRIPS fragment separator. Experiments performed at RIKEN facility. Based on α/Q spectrum and Z versus α/Q plot, confirmed assignment to 120Ru isotope can be made for the first time. (Q=charge state)

2015Lo04: 120Ru nuclide produced at RIBF-RIKEN facility in 9Be(238U,F) reaction at E=345 MeV/nucleon with an average intensity of 6×1010 ions/s. Identification of 120Ru was made by determining atomic Z and mass-to-charge ratio α/Q, where Q=charge state of the ions. The selectivity of ions was based on magnetic rigidity, time-of-flight and energy loss. The separated nuclei were implanted at a rate of 50 ions/s in a stack of eight double-sided silicon-strip detector (WAS3ABi), surrounded by EURICA array of 84 HPGe detectors. Correlations were recorded between the implanted ions and β rays. The half-life of 120Ru isotope was measured from the correlated ion-β decay curves and maximum likelihood analysis technique as described in 2014Xu07. Comparison of measured half-lives with FRDM+QRPA, KTUY+GT2 and DF3+CQRPA theoretical calculations

1995CzZZ (short conference paper): possible identification of 120Ru in 9Be(238U,f) at 750 MeV/nucleon at GSI facility. But in subsequent published works (1997Be70,1998Do08) by the same group, there was no mention of the formation or identification of the 120Ru isotope; the heaviest Ru isotope identified was 119Ru in 1997Be70 and 117Ru in 1998Do08 (where a Pb target was used instead of Be). In 1995CzZZ, there was no detailed discussion about the formation of new isotopes, 120Ru was simply shown in the chart of nuclides figure 2 in their paper. In the absence of sufficient confirmatory evidence from the same experimental group (1994Be24,1995CzZZ,1997Be70,1998Do08), the identification of 120Ru remained uncertain until the work by 2010Oh02, where Fig. 2b clearly shows a prominent peak assigned to 120Ru isotope moments

1980Va15: calculated levels, B(E2), magnetic dipole and electric quadrupole moments, S(2n), rms radius

Q-value: Estimated uncertainties (2017Wa10): 450 for Q(β-), 500 for S(n), 640 for S(p) and Q(α)

Q-value: S(2n)=8900 450, S(2p)=31960 640, Q(β-n)=4740 400 (syst,2017Wa10)

Jπ(level) T1/2(level)
  0 0+ 45 ms 2 
% β- = 100
% β-n = ?

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Additional Level Data and Comments:

  00+ 45 ms 2 
% β- = 100
% β-n = ?
Theoretical T1/2=71 ms, %β-n=0.9 (2016Ma12).

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