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Search: Author = W.Goedbloed

Found 5 matches.

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1970GO39      Nucl.Instrum.Methods 88, 197 (1970)

W.Goedbloed, S.C.Goverse, C.P.Gerner, A.Brinkman, J.Blok

An Internal Source Scintillation Spectrometer

RADIOACTIVITY 109Cd; measured I(X-ray), I(Auger) ratios; deduced P(LM)/P(K).

doi: 10.1016/0029-554X(70)90495-7
Citations: PlumX Metrics

1970GO44      Nucl.Phys. A159, 409 (1970)

W.Goedbloed, S.C.Goverse, A.Brinkman, J.Blok

E.C./e+ Ratios in the Non-Unique First-Forbidden Decay of 84Rb

RADIOACTIVITY 84Rb[from 81Br(α, n)]; measured βγ-, Xγ-coin; deduced L/K capture ratio, EC/β+ ratios. Enriched target. Ge(Li), CsI, NaI, detectors. Internal source method.

doi: 10.1016/0375-9474(70)90716-5
Citations: PlumX Metrics

1970GO45      Nucl.Phys. A159, 417 (1970)

W.Goedbloed, S.C.Goverse, C.P.Gerner, A.Brinkman, J.Blok

Measurements on the Electron Capture Ratios of 83Rb and 84Rb

RADIOACTIVITY 83Rb[from 81Br(α, 2n)], 84Rb[from 81Br(α, n)]; measured Xγ-coin; deduced L/K, L+M+.../K, M+N+.../L ratios. Enriched targets. Ge(Li), CsI, NaI detectors. Internal source method.

doi: 10.1016/0375-9474(70)90717-7
Citations: PlumX Metrics

1964GO19      Physica 30, 2041 (1964)

W.Goedbloed, E.Mastenbroek, A.Kemper, J.Blok

The Electron Capture Decay of 195Au

NUCLEAR STRUCTURE 195Au; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties.

doi: 10.1016/0031-8914(64)90025-4
Citations: PlumX Metrics

1962BL11      Physica 28, 993 (1962)

L.Blok, W.Goedbloed, E.Mastenbroek, J.Blok

On the Decay of 153Gd

NUCLEAR STRUCTURE 153Gd; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties.

doi: 10.1016/0031-8914(62)90002-2
Citations: PlumX Metrics

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