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NSR database version of May 31, 2024.

Search: Author = V.W.Pike

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1991GU05      Appl.Radiat.Isot. 42, 749 (1991)

M.Guillaume, A.Luxen, B.Nebeling, M.Argentini, J.C.Clark, V.W.Pike

Recommendations for Fluorine-18 Production

NUCLEAR REACTIONS, ICPND 18O(p, n), E=0-16 MeV; 20Ne(d, α), E=0-14 MeV; 20Ne(d, X), E=0-6.3 MeV; 16O(α, d), E=30, 48 MeV; 16O(α, 2n), E=40 MeV; 16O(3He, p), E=14-41 MeV; 16O(3He, n), E=36 MeV; 20Ne(3He, nα), E=27.5 MeV; 16O(t, n), E not given; compiled, reviewed 18F direct, as decay product production; deduced practical, technical recommendations.

doi: 10.1016/0883-2889(91)90179-5
Citations: PlumX Metrics

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