NSR Query Results

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NSR database version of May 31, 2024.

Search: Author = T.C.Ferree

Found 3 matches.

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1997FE02      Phys.Rev. C55, 253 (1997)

T.C.Ferree, D.S.Koltun

Inelastic Nucleon Contributions in (e, e') Nuclear Response Functions

doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.55.253
Citations: PlumX Metrics

1995KO30      Phys.Rev. C52, 901 (1995)

D.S.Koltun, T.C.Ferree

Nuclear Binding Effects in Relativistic Coulomb Sum Rules

doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.52.901
Citations: PlumX Metrics

1994FE04      Phys.Rev. C49, 1961 (1994)

T.C.Ferree, D.S.Koltun

Relativistic Coulomb Sum Rules for (e, e')

doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.49.1961
Citations: PlumX Metrics

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