NSR Query Results

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NSR database version of May 31, 2024.

Search: Author = R.Pascual

Found 3 matches.

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1976SA06      Nucl.Phys. A260, 392 (1976)

A.Santisteban, R.Pascual

Muon Capture by Hydrogen and 3He

ATOMIC PHYSICS 3H, 3He(μ-, X-ray); measured muon capture rate.

doi: 10.1016/0375-9474(76)90053-1
Citations: PlumX Metrics

1975GO29      Nuovo Cim. 29A, 13 (1975)

J.L.Gonzalez-Alio, R.Pascual

Scattering of π- by Helium-3

NUCLEAR REACTIONS 3He(π-, π-), E=0.428-10.61 GeV; calculated σ.

1971PA36      Nucl.Phys. B35, 631 (1971)

C.Pajares, R.Pascual

On the Absorption of Negative Pions by 3He

NUCLEAR REACTIONS 3He(π-, n), 3He(π-, np), E approx zero; calculated absorption rate. Eckstein phenomenological model.

doi: 10.1016/0550-3213(71)90478-0
Citations: PlumX Metrics

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