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NSR database version of May 31, 2024.

Search: Author = H.Abu Safia

Found 2 matches.

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1993MA65      Hyperfine Interactions 77, 255 (1993)

S.H.Mahmood, M.A.Gharaibeh, H.Abu-Safia, A.S.Saleh

Mossbauer Spectroscopic Study of FeAl(1-x)Co(x)

NUCLEAR REACTIONS 57Fe(γ, γ), E=14.4 keV; measured Mossbauer spectra; deduced alloy system magnetic splitting, average hyperfine field vs temperature. Alloys system FeAl(1-x)Co(x).

doi: 10.1007/BF02320316
Citations: PlumX Metrics

1984AB03      J.Phys.(Paris) 45, 863 (1984)

H.Abu Safia, X.Husson

Mesure de Constantes de Structure Hyperfine de Niveaux 6p du Xenon et 5p du Krypton

NUCLEAR MOMENTS 129,131Xe, 83Kr; measured hfs; deduced hfs constants. Laser excitation, level crossing techniques.

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