Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File (ENSDF)

Contains recommended nuclear structure and decay data for all the known nuclides, which are obtained following a critical review of all available experimental data, supplemented with systematic trend studies and theoretical models. ENSDF data include (i) nuclear level properties, such as observation source, energy, half-life, decay modes, spin and parity; (ii) gamma ray energies, intensities, multipolarities, mixing ratios and conversion coefficients; (iii) nuclear radiation energy and intensity as well as radiation-specific data for different radiation types, such as such as gammas, alphas, betas and neutrons. Data for about 220 nuclides are fully evaluated each year; additionally, many datasets are partially updated each year. Nearly all the evaluation work is supported by the US Nuclear Data Program. The National Nuclear Data Center at Brookhaven National Laboratory is responsible for coordinating the evaluation effort as well as its web and journal dissemination.

Deposition Summary

Depositor: Elizabeth Ricard-McCutchan
Contact: mccutchan@bnl.gov
Deposition date: 2022/02/14
Last modified: 2024/12/01
DOI: 10.18139/nndc.ensdf/1845010

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