References quoted in the XUNDL dataset: 73BR 50CR(28SI,APG):XUNDL-3
2 references found.
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Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. A589, 202 (2008)
T.Kibedi, T.W.Burrows, M.B.Trzhaskovskaya, P.M.Davidson, C.W.Nestor, Jr.
Evaluation of theoretical conversion coefficients using BrIcc
COMPILATION Z=5-110; compiled and evaluated ICC data. BrICC database.
doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2008.02.051
Phys.Rev. C 100, 014315 (2019)
S.Bhattacharya, T.Trivedi, D.Negi, R.P.Singh, S.Muralithar, R.Palit, I.Ragnarsson, S.Nag, S.Rajbanshi, M.Kumar Raju, V.V.Parkar, G.Mohanto, S.Kumar, D.Choudhury, R.Kumar, R.K.Bhowmik, S.C.Pancholi, A.K.Jain
Evolution of collectivity and evidence of octupole correlations in 73Br
NUCLEAR REACTIONS 50Cr(28Si, pα), E=90 MeV; measured Eγ, Iγ, γγ-coin, γγ(θ)(DCO), γγ(lin pol), and level half-lives by DSAM and line-shape method using the INGA array at 15UD Pelletron accelerator of IUAC. 73Br; deduced high-spin levels, J, π, multipolarities, bands, octupole band, B(E2), B(E1), B(M1), B(E1)/B(E2) ratios, transition quadrupole moments, configurations, octupole correlations, possible band termination at higher spin; calculated low-lying configurations, total Routhian surfaces using cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky method, and compared with experimental data.
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.100.014315