References quoted in the XUNDL dataset: 201AT 201AT IT DECAY:3.39 US:XUNDL-3
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T.Kibedi, T.W.Burrows, M.B.Trzhaskovskaya, P.M.Davidson, C.W.Nestor, Jr.
Evaluation of theoretical conversion coefficients using BrIcc
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K.Auranen, J.Uusitalo, S.Juutinen, U.Jakobsson, T.Grahn, P.T.Greenlees, K.Hauschild, A.Herzan, R.Julin, J.Konki, M.Leino, J.Pakarinen, J.Partanen, P.Peura, P.Rahkila, P.Ruotsalainen, M.Sandzelius, J.Saren, C.Scholey, J.Sorri, S.Stolze
Spectroscopy of 201At including the observation of a shears band and the 29/2+ isomeric state
NUCLEAR REACTIONS 165Ho(40Ar, 4n)201At, E=172 MeV; measured Eα, Eγ, Iγ, γγ-, (ce)γ-, (recoil)γ-coin, isomer half-life by (recoil)γγ(t), γ(θ) using RITU separator and JUROGAMII array at Jyvaskyla accelerator facility. 201At; deduced high-spin levels, J, π, K/(L+M+..) ratios, multipolarity, B(M1)/B(E2), B(E2), B(E3), configurations, magnetic-dipole rotational (shears) band. Systematics of energies and B(M1)/B(E2) values in N=110-126, odd-A At and even-A Po nuclei.
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.91.024324