References quoted in the XUNDL dataset: 194PT 194IR B- DECAY:19.20 H:XUNDL-7
6 references found.
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Phys.Rev. 143, 855 (1966)
Decay of Ir194 and Os194
NUCLEAR STRUCTURE 194Ir, 194Os; measured not abstracted; deduced nuclear properties.
ANCR-1000-2 (1974)
Gamma-Ray Spectrum Catalogue. Ge(Li) and Si(Li) Spectrometry
RADIOACTIVITY 7Be, 22Na, 26Al, 38,40K, 44,44mSc, 44,45Ti, 48V, 48,49,51Cr, 52,52m,54Mn, 52,53,55Fe, 56,57,58Co, 56,57Ni, 60,61,62,64Cu, 62,63,65Zn, 66,67,68,70Ga, 69,71Ge, 70,73,74As, 73,75Se, 75,76,80Br, 83,84,86Rb, 83,85,85m,87mSr, 87,87m,88Y, 89,89mZr, 92mNb, 93Mo, 94,94m,95,95mTc, 99,101,102,102mRh, 101,103Pd, 105,106,106m,108,108mAg, 107,109Cd, 111,114,114mIn, 113Sn, 116,116m,117,118,118m,120m,122Sb, 119mTe, 126,128I, 132,134Cs, 131,133Ba, 139Ce, 140,142Pr, 141Nd, 145Pm, 146,147,149,152,152m,154Eu, 153Gd, 155,156Tb, 164Ho, 165,167,168,170Tm, 167,169Yb, 172,173,176mLu, 175Hf, 180Ta, 183,184,184mRe, 185Os, 192Ir, 191,193Pt, 194,195,196Au, 197,197mHg, 203Pb, 205,207Bi(EC); 20F, 24,25Na, 27Mg, 28Al, 37S, 38Cl, 41Ar, 40,42,43K, 49Ca, 46,47,48Sc, 51Ti, 52V, 54,56Mn, 59Fe, 60,60m,61Co, 65Ni, 64,66,67Cu, 69,69m,71,71m,72Zn, 70,72,73Ga, 75Ge, 74,76,77As, 81,81m,83Se, 80,82,83,84Br, 85,87,88Kr, 84,86,86m,88,89Rb, 91,92Sr, 90m,91m,92,93Y, 95,97Zr, 94,94m,95,96,97Nb, 99,101Mo, 99m,101,104Tc, 103,105,106Ru, 102,106Rh, 109Pd, 106,108,110m,111Ag, 115,115m,117,117mCd, 114,115m,116,116m,117In, 123m,125Sn, 122,124,125,126Sb, 129,131,131m,132,133,133mTe, 126,128,131,132,133,134,135I, 133,135Xe, 132,134,137,138Cs, 139,140,141,142Ba, 140,142La, 141,144Ce, 142,144Pr, 147,149,151Nd, 149Pm, 151,153Sm, 152,152m,154,155,156Eu, 159Gd, 160,162Tb, 165Dy, 164Ho, 166,166mHo, 171Er, 168,170Tm, 175Yb, 176m,177,177mLu, 180m,181,183Hf, 180,182Ta, 185,187W, 188Re, 191Os, 192,194Ir, 197,199Pt, 196,198,199Au, 210Pb, 203,205Hg, 208Tl, 210,211,212,214Pb, 210,212Bi, 227Ac, 237,239U, 239Np, 250Bk(β-); 44mSc, 52mMn, 60mCo, 69m,71mZn, 77m,81mSe, 80mBr, 86mRb, 85mRb, 87mSr, 87m,90m,91mY, 89mZr, 94mNb, 94m,95m,99mTc, 101m,102m,103mRh, 109mPd, 107m,108m,110mAg, 111mCd, 113m,114m,115m,117mIn, 117mSn, 119m,131m,133mTe, 131m,133mXe, 134mCs, 177mLu, 180mHf, 182mTa, 184mRe, 195mPt, 197m,199mHg(IT); 145Pm, 147Eu, 210Pb, 210,212Bi, 226Ra, 227Ac, 228,232Th, 232,233,234,235,238U, 237Np, 238,240Pu, 241Am(α); measured Eγ, Iγ for about 300 radionuclides using a variety of Ge(Li) and Si(Li) detectors and several different methods for production of sources at the Idaho Falls National Engineering Laboratory. 211Pb, 226Ra, 227Ac, 228,232Th; activities counted with successive daughter isotopes. 95Zr, 95Nb; 97Zr, 97Nb; 132Te, 132I; 133mTe, 133Te; activities counted in equilibrium. All measured γ-ray spectra displayed in a catalogue of 1436 pages.
Z.Phys. A279, 195 (1976)
W.E.Cleveland, E.F.Zganjar
Nuclear Structure of 194Pt
RADIOACTIVITY 194Ir [from 193Ir(n, γ), E=th]; measured Eγ, Iγ, E(ce), I(ce), γγ-coin, γγ(θ); deduced log ft, ICC. 194Pt deduced levels, J, π, B(E2) ratios.
Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. A589, 202 (2008)
T.Kibedi, T.W.Burrows, M.B.Trzhaskovskaya, P.M.Davidson, C.W.Nestor, Jr.
Evaluation of theoretical conversion coefficients using BrIcc
COMPILATION Z=5-110; compiled and evaluated ICC data. BrICC database.
doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2008.02.051
Chin.Phys.C 36, 1603 (2012)
M.Wang, G.Audi, A.H.Wapstra, F.G.Kondev, M.MacCormick, X.Xu, B.Pfeiffer
The AME2012 atomic mass evaluation (II). Tables, graphs and references
COMPILATION A=1-295; compiled, evaluated atomic mass data.
Appl.Radiat.Isot. 115, 32 (2016)
Gamma-ray spectrometry in the decay of 194Ir to 194Pt
RADIOACTIVITY 194Ir(β-) [from Ir(n, X)194Ir, E thermal]; measured decay products, Eγ, Iγ; deduced γ-ray energies and intensities emitted in the decay of 194Ir, energy levels, T1/2. Comparison with available data.
doi: 10.1016/j.apradiso.2016.06.006