References quoted in the XUNDL dataset: 187W 187TA B- DECAY:XUNDL-7
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Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. A589, 202 (2008)
T.Kibedi, T.W.Burrows, M.B.Trzhaskovskaya, P.M.Davidson, C.W.Nestor, Jr.
Evaluation of theoretical conversion coefficients using BrIcc
COMPILATION Z=5-110; compiled and evaluated ICC data. BrICC database.
doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2008.02.051
Phys.Rev. C 105, 034331 (2022)
M.Mukai, Y.Hirayama, Y.X.Watanabe, H.Watanabe, H.Koura, S.C.Jeong, H.Miyatake, M.Brunet, S.Ishizawa, F.G.Kondev, G.J.Lane, Yu.A.Litvinov, T.Niwase, M.Oyaizu, Zs.Podolyak, M.Rosenbusch, P.Schury, M.Wada, P.M.Walker
Ground-state β-decay spectroscopy of 187Ta
RADIOACTIVITY 187Ta(β-)[from W(136Xe, X), E=7.2 MeV/nucleon]; measured Eγ, Iγ, βγ-coin; deduced Iβ feedings, T1/2, logft, Iγ/β-decay. 187W; deduced Eγ, multipolarities, total conversion coefficients (BrIcc calculations). Comparison to KTUY+gross theory, FRDM+QRPA and RHB+pn-RQRPAKEK calculations. Isotope Separation System (KISS) at RIKEN, an argon-gas-cell-based laser ion source combined with an on-line isotope separator.
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.105.034331