References quoted in the XUNDL dataset: 167W 142ND(28SI,3NG):XUNDL-1
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Nucl.Phys. A443, 348 (1985)
J.Gerl, G.D.Dracoulis, A.P.Byrne, A.R.Poletti, S.J.Poletti, A.E.Stuchbery
Spectroscopy of 166W and 167W and Alignment Effects in very Neutron-Deficient Tungsten Nuclei
NUCLEAR REACTIONS 142Nd(28Si, 4n), E=150 MeV; 142Nd(28Si, 3n), E=140 MeV; 147Sm(24Mg, 4n), E=128 MeV; measured Eγ, Iγ(θ), γγ-, γX ray-coin. 166,167W deduced levels, J, π, γ-branching, rotational bands. Compton-suppressed detector. Cranked shell model calculations, band crossings, alignment.
doi: 10.1016/0375-9474(85)90267-2
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High-Spin Structure of 167W and 168W
NUCLEAR REACTIONS 142Nd(30Si, xn), E=165 MeV; measured γγ-, γγγ-coin, γγ(θ); deduced systematics of N = 93, 94 isotones, Z = 74 isotopes. 167,168W deduced levels, J, aligned angular momentum. Cranked shell model. Enriched target, array of Compton-suppressed Ge detectors.
doi: 10.1016/0375-9474(92)90078-X
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T.Kibedi, T.W.Burrows, M.B.Trzhaskovskaya, P.M.Davidson, C.W.Nestor, Jr.
Evaluation of theoretical conversion coefficients using BrIcc
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Phys.Rev. C 94, 044307 (2016)
C.B.Li, H.L.Ma, X.G.Wu, Q.M.Chen, C.Y.He, Y.Zheng, G.S.Li, Y.H.Wu, S.P.Hu, H.W.Li, L.P.Luo, J.Zhong, B.J.Zhu
Deformation and shape changes in 167W
NUCLEAR REACTIONS 142Nd(28Si, 3n), E=144 MeV; measured Eγ, Iγ, γγ-coin, level half-lives by recoil-distance Doppler shift (RDDS) method, and analyzed by differential decay-curve method (DDCM) at HI-13 tandem accelerator facility of CIAE-Beijing. 167W; deduced levels, B(E2), transition quadrupole moments, energy staggering of negative parity bands; calculated potential energy surface (PES) plots in (ϵ2, γ) plane. Comparison with cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky-Bogoliubov calculations.
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.94.044307