References quoted in the XUNDL dataset: 161DY 161TB B- DECAY:6.89 D:XUNDL-5
7 references found.
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Neue Niveaus im Dy161
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Study of 161Dy Levels Excited in the Decay of 161Tb and 161Ho
RADIOACTIVITY 161Tb(β-); measured Eγ, Iγ. 161Ho(EC); measured Eγ, Iγ, I(ce), (K X-ray)γ-coin. 161Ho deduced Q(EC). 161Dy deduced levels, γ-branching, ICC, γ-multipolarity, δ.
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Nuclear Data Sheets for A = 163
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Nuclear Data Sheets for A = 161
COMPILATION 161Sm, 161Eu, 161Gd, 161Tb, 161Dy, 161Ho, 161Er, 161Tm, 161Yb, 161Lu, 161Hf, 161Ta, 161W, 161Re, 161Os; compiled evaluated nuclear structure data.
doi: 10.1016/j.nds.2011.09.001
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Determination of the gamma and X-ray emission intensities of terbium-161
RADIOACTIVITY 161Tb(β-); measured decay products, Eγ, Iγ, X-rays; deduced γ-ray energies and intensities, X-ray lines. Comparison with ENSDF and JEFF libraries, experimental data.
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The AME 2020 atomic mass evaluation (II). Tables, graphs and references
ATOMIC MASSES A=1-295; compiled, evaluated atomic masses, mass excess, β-, ββ and ββββ-decay, binding, neutron and proton separation energies, decay and reaction Q-value data.