References quoted in the XUNDL dataset: 158TA 158TA IT DECAY:6.1 US:XUNDL-3
6 references found.
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Phys.Rev. C55, 2255 (1997)
C.N.Davids, P.J.Woods, J.C.Batchelder, C.R.Bingham, D.J.Blumenthal, L.T.Brown, B.C.Busse, L.F.Conticchio, T.Davinson, S.J.Freeman, D.J.Henderson, R.J.Irvine, R.D.Page, H.T.Penttila, D.Seweryniak, K.S.Toth, W.B.Walters, B.E.Zimmerman
New Proton Radioactivities 165,166,167Ir and 171Au
NUCLEAR REACTIONS 92Mo(78Kr, xnp), E=357, 384 MeV; 96Ru(78Kr, 2np), E=389 MeV; measured fragment spectra, Eα, Iα, pα-energy correlation between proton-decaying residual and daughter subsequent α-decay. 171Au, 165,166,167Ir deduced proton decay Ep, Qp, T1/2, branching ratio, spectroscopic factors.
RADIOACTIVITY 171Au(p) [from 96Ru(78Kr, 2np), E=389 MeV]; 170Pt(α) [from 171Au(p-decay)]; 165,166,167Ir(p) [from 92Mo(78Kr, xnp), E=357, 384 MeV]; 164,165,166Os(α) [from 165,166,167Ir(p-decay)]; measured Eα, Iα, pα-energy correlation between proton-decaying residual and daughter subsequent α-decay. 171Au, 165,166,167Ir deduced proton decay Ep, Qp, T1/2, branching ratio, spectroscopic factors; analyzed α-decay chain data. 151Tm, 154Yb, 155Lu, 158Hf, 159Ta, 162W, 163Re, 166Os, 167Ir, 170Pt, 171mAu; deduced mass excess. 151Tm, 153,154,155Lu, 158Hf, 157m,158,159Ta, 161m,162,163Re, 165m,166,167Ir deduced proton separation energy.
Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. A589, 202 (2008)
T.Kibedi, T.W.Burrows, M.B.Trzhaskovskaya, P.M.Davidson, C.W.Nestor, Jr.
Evaluation of theoretical conversion coefficients using BrIcc
COMPILATION Z=5-110; compiled and evaluated ICC data. BrICC database.
doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2008.02.051
Chin.Phys.C 36, 1603 (2012)
M.Wang, G.Audi, A.H.Wapstra, F.G.Kondev, M.MacCormick, X.Xu, B.Pfeiffer
The AME2012 atomic mass evaluation (II). Tables, graphs and references
COMPILATION A=1-295; compiled, evaluated atomic mass data.
Phys.Rev.Lett. 112, 092501 (2014)
R.J.Carroll, R.D.Page, D.T.Joss, J.Uusitalo, I.G.Darby, K.Andgren, B.Cederwall, S.Eeckhaudt, T.Grahn, C.Gray-Jones, P.T.Greenlees, B.Hadinia, P.M.Jones, R.Julin, S.Juutinen, M.Leino, A.-P.Leppanen, M.Nyman, D.O'Donnell, J.Pakarinen, P.Rahkila, M.Sandzelius, J.Saren, C.Scholey, D.Seweryniak, J.Simpson
Blurring the Boundaries: Decays of Multiparticle Isomers at the Proton Drip Line
NUCLEAR REACTIONS 102Pd(58Ni, X)158Ta/157Lu/157Hf, E=255 MeV; measured reaction products, Eγ, Iγ; deduced σ.
RADIOACTIVITY 158Ta(IT), (α); measured decay products, Eγ, Iγ; deduced energy levels, J, π, high-spin, spin-trap isomer T1/2, α-decay branch. Comparison with available data.
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.112.092501
Acta Phys.Pol. B46, 695 (2015)
R.J.Carroll, R.D.Page, D.T.Joss, J.Uusitalo, I.G.Darby, K.Andgren, B.Cederwall, S.Eeckhaudt, T.Grahn, C.Gray-Jones, P.T.Greenlees, B.Hadinia, P.M.Jones, R.Julin, S.Juutinen, M.Leino, A.-P.Leppanen, M.Nyman, D.O'Donnell, J.Pakarinen, P.Rahkila, M.Sandzelius, J.Saren, C.Scholey, D.Seweryniak, J.Simpson
Competing Decay Modes of a High-spin Isomer in the Proton-unbound Nucleus 158Ta
RADIOACTIVITY 158Ta(α), 154Lu(β+), 154Yb(α) [from 102Pd(58Ni, X)158Ta, E=255 MeV]; measured decay products, Eγ, Iγ; deduced energy levels, isomeric states, J, π, T1/2. Comparison with available data.
Phys.Rev. C 93, 034307 (2016)
R.J.Carroll, R.D.Page, D.T.Joss, D.O'Donnell, J.Uusitalo, I.G.Darby, K.Andgren, K.Auranen, S.Bonig, B.Cederwall, M.Doncel, M.C.Drummond, S.Eeckhaudt, T.Grahn, C.Gray-Jones, P.T.Greenlees, B.Hadinia, A.Herzan, U.Jakobsson, P.M.Jones, R.Julin, S.Juutinen, J.Konki, T.Kroll, M.Leino, A.-P.Leppanen, C.McPeake, M.Nyman, J.Pakarinen, J.Partanen, P.Peura, P.Rahkila, J.Revill, P.Ruotsalainen, M.Sandzelius, J.Saren, B.Saygi, C.Scholey, D.Seweryniak, J.Simpson, J.Sorri, S.Stolze, M.J.Taylor, A.Thornthwaite
Excited states in the proton-unbound nuclide 158Ta
RADIOACTIVITY 166Ir, 162Re, 158Ta(α)[166Ir from 92Mo(78Kr, X), E=380 MeV using RITU separator at Jyvaskyla; 162Re and 158Ta from α decay chain]; measured Eα, Eγ, αγ-coin, α(implanted ion) correlations. 158Ta; deduced levels, J, π. 167Ir, 165,166Os(α); observed α spectrum.
NUCLEAR REACTIONS 102Pd(58Ni, np), E=255 MeV; measured Eγ, Iγ, Eα from g.s. and 19- isomer, γγ-coin, prompt and delayed γ rays, γ(implant) correlations using RITU separator, GREAT spectrometer and JUROGAM array at Jyvaskyla. 158Ta; deduced high-spin levels, J, π, isomer, conversion coefficients, multipolarity, configurations. Systematics of levels in N=85 isotones relative to 7/2- in odd-A and 9+ and 10+ in even-A isotopes of 149Gd, 151Dy, 153Er, 155Yb, 157Hf, 159W, 150Tb, 152Ho, 154Tm, 156Lu, 158Ta, 160Re. Discussed proton emission from excited states.
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.93.034307