References quoted in the XUNDL dataset: 152GD 149SM(A,NG):XUNDL-9
3 references found.
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T.Kibedi, R.H.Spear
Electric monopole transitions between 0+ states for nuclei throughout the periodic table
COMPILATION A=4-250; compiled, analyzed 0+ → 0+ transition energies, T1/2, ICC, electric monopole transition strengths.
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T.Kibedi, T.W.Burrows, M.B.Trzhaskovskaya, P.M.Davidson, C.W.Nestor, Jr.
Evaluation of theoretical conversion coefficients using BrIcc
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J.Wiederhold, R.Kern, C.Lizarazo, N.Pietralla, V.Werner, R.V.Jolos, D.Bucurescu, N.Florea, D.Ghita, T.Glodariu, R.Lica, N.Marginean, R.Marginean, C.Mihai, R.Mihai, I.O.Mitu, A.Negret, C.Nita, A.Olacel, S.Pascu, L.Stroe, S.Toma, A.Turturica
Fast-timing lifetime measurement of 152Gd
NUCLEAR REACTIONS 149Sm(α, n), E=17.5 MeV; measured Eγ, γγ-coin, level half-lives by γγ(t) fast timing technique (FEST) at NIPNE-Bucharest Tandem accelerator facility. 152Gd; deduced levels, B(E2), E0 transition strength for excited 0+ state to the ground state, indication of a quantum phase transition (QPT). Comparison with previous experimental results. Systematics of B(E2) products and E0 strength for 146,148,150,152,154,156,158Gd, 148,150,152,154Sm.
RADIOACTIVITY 152Eu(β-), (EC); measured Eγ, level half-lives by γγ(t) fast-timing technique. 152Gd, 152Sm; deduced levels, B(E2).
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.94.044302