References quoted in the XUNDL dataset: 127CD 9BE(238U,F):T1/2,%B-N:XUNDL-9
6 references found.
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Phys.Rev.Lett. 110, 192501 (2013)
D.T.Yordanov, D.L.Balabanski, J.Bieron, M.L.Bissell, K.Blaum, I.Budincevic, S.Fritzsche, N.Frommgen, G.Georgiev, Ch.Geppert, M.Hammen, M.Kowalska, K.Kreim, A.Krieger, R.Neugart, W.Nortershauser, J.Papuga, S.Schmidt
Spins, Electromagnetic Moments, and Isomers of 107-129Cd
NUCLEAR MOMENTS 107,109,111,113,115,117,119,121,123,125,127,129Cd; measured the atomic hyperfine structure by the ion-beam fluorescence as a function of the laser frequency scanned via the Doppler effect; deduced J, hyperfine parameters, electromagnetic dipole and quadrupole moments. Comparison with available data.
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.192501
Phys.Rev.Lett. 114, 192501 (2015)
G.Lorusso, S.Nishimura, Z.Y.Xu, A.Jungclaus, Y.Shimizu, G.S.Simpson, P.-A.Soderstrom, H.Watanabe, F.Browne, P.Doornenbal, G.Gey, H.S.Jung, B.Meyer, T.Sumikama, J.Taprogge, Zs.Vajta, J.Wu, H.Baba, G.Benzoni, K.Y.Chae, F.C.L.Crespi, N.Fukuda, R.Gernhauser, N.Inabe, T.Isobe, T.Kajino, D.Kameda, G.D.Kim, Y.-K.Kim, I.Kojouharov, F.G.Kondev, T.Kubo, N.Kurz, Y.K.Kwon, G.J.Lane, Z.Li, A.Montaner-Piza, K.Moschner, F.Naqvi, M.Niikura, H.Nishibata, A.Odahara, R.Orlandi, Z.Patel, Zs.Podolyak, H.Sakurai, H.Schaffner, P.Schury, S.Shibagaki, K.Steiger, H.Suzuki, H.Takeda, A.Wendt, A.Yagi, K.Yoshinaga
β-Decay Half-Lives of 110 Neutron-Rich Nuclei across the N=82 Shell Gap: Implications for the Mechanism and Universality of the Astrophysical r Process
RADIOACTIVITY 134,135,136,137,138,139Sn, 128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136,137In, 126,127,128,129,130,131,132,133,134Cd, 124,125,126,127,128,129,130,131,132Ag, 121,122,123,124,125,126,127,128,129Pd, 118,119,120,121,122,123,124,125,126,127Rh, 116,117,118,119,120,121,122,123,124Ru, 112,113,114,115,116,117,118,119,120,121Tc, 109,110,111,112,113,114,115,116,117,118Mo, 107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,115Nb, 106,107,108,109,110,111,112Zr, 104,105,106,107,108,109Y, 103,104,105,106Sr, 102,103Rb(β-) [from Be(238U, X), E=345 MeV/nucleon]; measured decay products, Eγ, Iγ; deduced T1/2; Calculated r-process abundances. Comparison with available data.
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.114.192501
Phys.Rev. C 96, 044323 (2017)
D.Lascar, R.Klawitter, C.Babcock, E.Leistenschneider, S.R.Stroberg, B.R.Barquest, A.Finlay, M.Foster, A.T.Gallant, P.Hunt, J.Kelly, B.Kootte, Y.Lan, S.F.Paul, M.L.Phan, M.P.Reiter, B.Schultz, D.Short, J.Simonis, C.Andreoiu, M.Brodeur, I.Dillmann, G.Gwinner, J.D.Holt, A.A.Kwiatkowski, K.G.Leach, J.Dilling
Precision mass measurements of 125-127Cd isotopes and isomers approaching the N=82 closed shell
ATOMIC MASSES 125,125m,126,127,127mCd, 133Cs; measured TOF ion cyclotron resonances, cyclotron frequencies using TITAN-ISOLTRAP-TRIUMF facility; deduced mass excesses. Comparison with AME-2012 evaluated data, and ab initio shell-model calculations using NUSHELLX code, and with IMSRG calculations. The Cd isotopes produced in U(p, F), E=500 MeV protons using uranium carbide target and Ion Guide Laser Ion Source (IG-LIS) at ISAC-TRIUMF facility.
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.96.044323
Phys.Rev. C 99, 044310 (2019)
Ch.Lorenz, L.G.Sarmiento, D.Rudolph, P.Golubev, T.Eronen, D.A.Nesterenko, A.Kankainen, L.Canete, D.M.Cox, A.Fernandez, U.Forsberg, A.Jungclaus, I.Kojouharov, N.Kurz, N.Lalovic, J.Partanen, M.Reponen, S.Rinta-Antila, Roubin, A.Saamark-Roth, V.Vaquero, M.Vilen
β decay of 127Cd and excited states in 127In
RADIOACTIVITY 127,127mCd(β-)[from 238U(p, F) followed by high-resolution mass separation in JYFL Penning trap]; measured β, Eγ, Iγ, βγγ- and γγ-coin, half-lives of 127Cd g.s. and isomer, isomeric ratios using double-sided-silicon-strip detectors and HPGe detectors of the TASISpec decay station at IGISOL, University of Jyvaskyla. 127In; deduced levels, J, π, β feedings, logft values, Gamow-Teller strength distributions, configurations. Comparison with large-scale shell model calculations, and with previous experimental results.
NUCLEAR STRUCTURE 125,127,129Cd, 125,127,129In; calculated levels, J, π, sums of partitions of selected wave functions using large-scale shell-model with jj45 and NA-14 interactions, and compared with experimental data.
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.99.044310
Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. A925, 133 (2019)
A.Tolosa-Delgado, for the BRIKEN Collaboration
Commissioning of the BRIKEN detector for the measurement of very exotic b-delayed neutron emitters
NUCLEAR REACTIONS 9Be(238U, F)73Cu/74Cu/75Cu/74Ni/75Ni/76Ni/77Ni/78Ni/76Cu/77Cu/78Cu/79Cu/80Cu/79Zn/80Zn/81Zn/82Zn/81Ga/82Ga/83Ga, E=345 MeV/nucleon; measured reaction products; deduced A/Q, yields using BigRIPS in-flight separator and Zero-Degree Spectrometer (ZDS) at RIBF-RIKEN facility.
RADIOACTIVITY 80Zn, 81,82Ga(β-), (β-n) [from 9Be(238U, F), E=345 MeV/nucleon at RIBF-RIKEN]; measured decay products, Eβ, Iβ, En, In; deduced β-implant-n correlations, βn-coin, delayed neutron emission probabilities Pn. Comparison with previous experimental and evaluated values.
doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2019.02.004
Phys.Lett. B 816, 136266 (2021)
O.Hall, T.Davinson, A.Estrade, J.Liu, G.Lorusso, F.Montes, S.Nishimura, V.H.Phong, P.J.Woods, J.Agramunt, D.S.Ahn, A.Algora, J.M.Allmond, H.Baba, S.Bae, N.T.Brewer, C.G.Bruno, R.Caballero-Folch, F.Calvino, P.J.Coleman-Smith, G.Cortes, I.Dillmann, C.Domingo-Pardo, A.Fijalkowska, N.Fukuda, S.Go, C.J.Griffin, R.Grzywacz, J.Ha, L.J.Harkness-Brennan, T.Isobe, D.Kahl, L.H.Khiem, G.G.Kiss, A.Korgul, S.Kubono, M.Labiche, I.Lazarus, J.Liang, Z.Liu, K.Matsui, K.Miernik, B.Moon, A.I.Morales, P.Morrall, M.R.Mumpower, N.Nepal, R.D.Page, M.Piersa, V.F.E.Pucknell, B.C.Rasco, B.Rubio, K.P.Rykaczewski, H.Sakurai, Y.Shimizu, D.W.Stracener, T.Sumikama, H.Suzuki, J.L.Tain, H.Takeda, A.Tarifeno-Saldivia, A.Tolosa-Delgado, M.Wolinska-Cichocka, R.Yokoyama
β-delayed neutron emission of r-process nuclei at the N = 82 shell closure
RADIOACTIVITY 115,116Tc, 116,117,118,119,120,121Ru, 118,119,120,121,122,123,124Rh, 121,122,123,124,125,126,127,128Pd, 124,125,126,127,128,129Ag, 127,128,129,130Cd(β-n) [from 9Be(238U, X), E=345 MeV/nucleon]; measured decay products, Eβ, Iβ, En, In; deduced β-delayed neutron emission probabilities, T1/2. RIKEN using the Advanced Implantation Detector Array (AIDA) and the BRIKEN neutron detector array.
doi: 10.1016/j.physletb.2021.136266
Note: Additional references listed in dataset: 2019LO00,. See dataset contents for details.