Dataset referencing 2019LO04
Ch.Lorenz, L.G.Sarmiento, D.Rudolph, P.Golubev, T.Eronen, D.A.Nesterenko, A.Kankainen, L.Canete, D.M.Cox, A.Fernandez, U.Forsberg, A.Jungclaus, I.Kojouharov, N.Kurz, N.Lalovic, J.Partanen, M.Reponen, S.Rinta-Antila, Roubin, A.Saamark-Roth, V.Vaquero, M.Vilen
β decay of 127Cd and excited states in 127In
RADIOACTIVITY 127,127mCd(β-)[from 238U(p, F) followed by high-resolution mass separation in JYFL Penning trap]; measured β, Eγ, Iγ, βγγ- and γγ-coin, half-lives of 127Cd g.s. and isomer, isomeric ratios using double-sided-silicon-strip detectors and HPGe detectors of the TASISpec decay station at IGISOL, University of Jyvaskyla. 127In; deduced levels, J, π, β feedings, logft values, Gamow-Teller strength distributions, configurations. Comparison with large-scale shell model calculations, and with previous experimental results.
NUCLEAR STRUCTURE 125,127,129Cd, 125,127,129In; calculated levels, J, π, sums of partitions of selected wave functions using large-scale shell-model with jj45 and NA-14 interactions, and compared with experimental data.
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.99.044310