References quoted in the XUNDL dataset: 110CD 110IN EC DECAY:XUNDL-10
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Nucl.Instrum.Methods Phys.Res. A589, 202 (2008)
T.Kibedi, T.W.Burrows, M.B.Trzhaskovskaya, P.M.Davidson, C.W.Nestor, Jr.
Evaluation of theoretical conversion coefficients using BrIcc
COMPILATION Z=5-110; compiled and evaluated ICC data. BrICC database.
doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2008.02.051
Eur.Phys.J. A 52, 36 (2016)
B.Jigmeddorj, P.E.Garrett, A.Diaz Varela, G.C.Ball, J.C.Bangay, D.S.Cross, G.A.Demand, A.B.Garnsworthy, K.L.Green, G.Hackman, W.D.Kulp, K.G.Leach, J.N.Orce, E.T.Rand, C.Sumithrarachchi, C.E.Svensson, S.Triambak, J.Wong, J.L.Wood, S.W.Yates
Conversion electron study of 110Cd: Evidence of new E0 branches
RADIOACTIVITY 110In(β+), (EC); measured Eγ, Iγ, X-rays, Ee, Ie, (X-ray)e--coin, γe--coin, γγ-coin at TRIUMF-ISAC; deduced conversion electrons K, L subshell ratios, γ-transitions, multipolarity, levels, J, π, K-conversion electron lines, conversion coefficients, E2/M1 mixing ratio, ρ2(E0) for the 4+3 to 4+1 transition. Subshell E2, M1 ratios, conversion coefficients compared to published calculations. 110,112,114,116Cd deduced systematics for γ-transitions connecting intruder and gs bands.
doi: 10.1140/epja/i2016-16036-y