A Workshop on Neutron Cross Section Covariances was held on June 24-June 27, 2008 (Tuesday morning - Friday noon) in Port Jefferson, New York. The Workshop is organized by the National Nuclear Data Center which is part of Brookhaven National Laboratory.


The Workshop focused on the following three major topics:

  • Covariance evaluation methodology. We encourage reports on the methodology in both the low energy (thermal, resonances) and fast neutron regions; specific methodology issues; experimental covariances; combining theoretical and experimental data; issues and advances in actinides, intermediate and light nuclei.
  • Recent covariance evaluations. We encourage reports on recent evaluations that should serve as examples for future work; covariance estimates as well as true evaluations.
  • User's perspective. We encourage reports on the user's covariance data needs; specific requirements for applications such as Gen-IV reactors, AFCI, GNEP and criticality safety; advances in processing, sensitivity analysis and simulations.


The Workshop is scheduled for three and a half days, with 3 days for talks and posters and 1/2 day for broader discussion.

Considering numerous issues, open questions and some controversies in this field we want to provide enough time for discussions. In general, talks should be limited to 20-25', followed by 10' discussion. In addition, 2-3 discussion sessions should be held allowing more detailed exposure of hot topics.

The Program Committee should assist the organizers in identifying topics, selection of talks and posters, guiding discussions, and refereeing papers for the Proceedings.

Registration and Fee

All participants must register. Those wishing to make a presentation must submit an abstract at the time of the registration. The abstract should approximately fit in half a page of a single-spaced document, with a size 10 font.
There is the workshop registration fee of $250.


Proceedings will be published in the December 2008 special issue of Nuclear Data Sheets (similar to the December 2007 and December 2006 issues). The usual length of the papers should be 5 pages. It should be emphasized that each paper will be subject to due peer-review process.
Each participant will receive a copy of the proceedings.

Key Dates and Deadlines
January 20   Registration starts
April 15   Registration ends
April 15   Last day to reserve hotel rooms at Danfords
May 15   Program announced
Workshop fee payment deadline
June 27   Manuscripts submission deadline
October 31   Proceedings are sent to the publisher