Formal Report
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Upton, NY
This publication has been prepared to record some of the history
of the Cross Section Evaluation Working Group (CSEWG).
CSEWG is responsible for creating the evaluated nuclear data file
(ENDF/B) which is widely used by scientists and engineers who are
involved in the development and maintenance of applied
nuclear technologies.
This organization has become the model for the development of
nuclear data libraries throughout the world.
The Evaluated Nuclear Data Format (ENDF) has been adopted as
the international standard.
On November 5, 2001, a symposium was held at Brookhaven
National Laboratory to celebrate the 50th meeting of
the CSEWG organization and the 35th anniversary of its
first meeting in November 1966.
The papers presented in this volume were prepared by present and
former CSEWG members for presentation at the November 2001
symposium. All but two of the presentations are included.
I have included an appendix to list all of the CSEWG members
and their affiliations, which has been compiled from the minutes
of each of the CSEWG meetings. Minutes exist for all meetings
except the 4th meeting held in January 1968.
The list includes 348 individuals from 71 organizations.
The dates for each of the 50 CSEWG meetings are listed.
The committee structure and chairmen of all committees and
subcommittees are also included in the appendix.
This volume is dedicated to three individuals whose foresight
and talents made CSEWG possible and successful. They are
Henry Honeck who lead the effort to develop the ENDF format
and the CSEWG system, Ira Zartman, the Atomic Energy Commission
program manager who provided the programmatic direction and
support, and Sol Pearlstein who led the development of the
CESWG organization and the ENDF/B evaluated nuclear data library.
Charles Dunford
Brookhaven National Laboratory
November 12, 2002
csewg-symposium.pdf (1.7 Mbytes)
Cross Section Evaluation Working Group