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Search: Author = Y.Agus

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2004AG09      Radiochim.Acta 92, 63 (2004)

Y.Agus, I.Celenk, A.Ozmen

Measurement of cross sections of threshold detectors with spectrum average technique

NUCLEAR REACTIONS 103Rh(n, n')103mRh, E ≈ 4.8 MeV; 115In(n, n')115mIn, E ≈ 5 MeV; 232Th, 238U(n, F), E ≈ 5 MeV; 24Mg, 27Al, 46,47,48Ti, 54,56Fe, 58Ni, 64Zn(n, p), E ≈ 2-8 MeV; 27Al, 59Co(n, α), E ≈ 8.3 MeV; measured activation σ. Spectrum average technique, comparison with previous results.

doi: 10.1524/ract.
Citations: PlumX Metrics

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