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NSR database version of May 31, 2024.

Search: Author = S.G.Gujrathi

Found 1 matches.

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1966GU05      Nucl.Phys. 85, 288 (1966)

S.G.Gujrathi, S.K.Mukherjee

Decay of 98Nb and the Energy Levels of 98Mo

RADIOACTIVITY 98Nb[from 98Mo (n, p)]; measured T1/2, Eβ, γ, Iβ, γ, βγ-, γγ-coin. 98Mo deduced levels, J, π, Qβ. Enriched, natural targets. 100Nb [from 100Mo (n, p)]; measured T1/2. Enriched target. 98Mo(n, p), E = 14.8 MeV; measured σ. Enriched target.

doi: 10.1016/0029-5582(66)90625-0
Citations: PlumX Metrics

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