NSR Query Results

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NSR database version of May 31, 2024.

Search: Author = B.G.Dzantiev

Found 2 matches.

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1957DZ14      Doklady Akad.Nauk.SSSR 113, 537 (1957); Soviet Phys.Doklady 2, 135 (1957)

B.G.Dzantiev, V.N.Levkovskii, A.D.Malievskii

(n, α) Reactions of 14-MeV Neutrons with Cadmium

Data from this article have been entered in the EXFOR database. For more information, access X4 dataset40710.

1957DZ15      Doklady Akad.Nauk SSSR 113, 773 (1957); Soviet Phys.Doklady 2, 154 (1958)

B.G.Dzantiev, V.N.Levkovskii, A.D.Malievskii, M.V.Serdobov

Isomer Pd111

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