
Proceedings will be published in the December 2008 special issue of Nuclear Data Sheets (similar to the December 2006 and December 2007 issues). Each registered participant will receive a copy of the proceedings.

Papers should be around 5 pages long. Manuscripts should be prepared in either LaTeX or in Mcrosoft Word, see templates below. Figures that will appear in color in the hard copy of the proceedings will be accepted with the understanding that a fee of about $300 for each color page will be charged to the authors by the publisher. The manuscript should be submitted electronically by e-mail to The deadline for submittal is June 27, 2008.

Each paper will be subject to a due peer-review process. Referee reports are expected in the summer, giving a chance for one iteration with the authors, followed by final version of the papers in the fall. The whole issue must be submitted to the publisher in a photo-ready form by October 31, 2008.

Microsoft Word template
LaTeX template
EPS file needed for LaTeX template
PS version of LaTeX template