Authors: K. Kitao, Y. Tendow and A. Hashizume | Citation: Nucl. Data Sheets 96, 241 (2002) | Cutoff date: 1-Dec-2001
Full ENSDF file | Adopted Levels (PDF version)
Q(β-)=-7.9×103 keV SY | S(n)= 1.08×104 keV SY | S(p)= 4.E2 keV SY | Q(α)= 2.0×103 keV SY | ||
Reference: 2012WA38 |
E(level) (keV) | T1/2(level) |
0.0+X | 2.8 s 2 % ε = 100 % εp > 0 |
Additional Level Data and Comments:
E(level) | Jπ(level) | T1/2(level) | Comments |
0.0+X | 2.8 s 2 % ε = 100 % εp > 0 | Precursor of 119Ba delayed proton emission (1984Ni03). E(level): Precursor of 119Ba delayed proton emission (1984Ni03). |
Assignment: mass, (delayed p)(K| x ray)- and (delayed p)(237γ 119Cs)-coin (1984Ni03)
Q-value: Note: Current evaluation has used the following Q record -7980 SY10790 SY750 SY2380 syst 1995Au04
Q-value: The uncertainties given by 1995Au04 for Q(β-), S(n), S(p), and Q(α) are 999, 918, 1181, and 692 keV, respectively.