  author="T. {Fujisawa} and N. {Kishida} and T. {Kubo} and T. {Wada} and Y. {Toba} and T. {Hasegawa} and M. {Sekiguchi} and N. {Ueda} and M. {Yasue} and F. {Soga} and H. {Kamitsubo} and M. {Nakamura} and K. {Hatanaka} and Y. {Wakuta} and T. {Tanaka} and A. {Nagao}",
  title="Analyzing Power-Polarization Inequality in the Inelastic Scattering of Protons on $^{12}$C for Incident Energies from 22.0 to 29.0 MeV",
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*  Note: Translation from NSR format to bibTex is imperfect. Entries       *
*    may require editing before use. This is especially true for           *
*    "secondary" sources such as conference proceedings, lab reports, etc. *
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