  author="V. N. {Baturin} and V. P. {Koptev} and E. M. {Maev} and M. M. {Makarov} and V. V. {Nelyubin} and V. V. {Sulimov} and A. V. {Khanzadeev} and G. V. {Shcherbakov}",
  title="Neutron Production from $^{7}$Li, $^{9}$Be, $^{10}$B, $^{11,12}$C, $^{16}$O, $^{19}$F, $^{24}$Mg, $^{25,26,27}$Al, $^{40,44}$Ca, Cu, $^{116,124}$Sn, $^{181}$Ta, and Pb Nuclei at Proton Energies of 1 GeV",
  journal="Pisma Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz.",
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*  Note: Translation from NSR format to bibTex is imperfect. Entries       *
*    may require editing before use. This is especially true for           *
*    "secondary" sources such as conference proceedings, lab reports, etc. *
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