References quoted in the XUNDL dataset: 84RB 76GE(11B,3NG):XUNDL-5

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Phys.Rev. C 96, 024604 (2017)

D.Denis-Petit, G.Gosselin, F.Hannachi, M.Tarisien, T.Bonnet, M.Comet, F.Gobet, M.Versteegen, P.Morel, V.Meot, I.Matea

Calculation of the rate of nuclear excitation by electron transition in an 84mRb plasma under the hypothesis of local thermodynamic equilibrium using a multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock approach

NUCLEAR REACTIONS 84mRb(γ, γ'), E=3.5 keV; calculated rate of nuclear excitation by electron transition (NEET) for the 6- to 5- transition in 84Rb as a function of the plasma temperature for the M1 and E2 components, total excitation rate, charge state distribution of an 84Rb plasma at 400 eV, M1 NEET rate as a function of the energy uncertainty and the charge state of 84Rb. Relativistic average atom model (RAAM), and multiconfiguration Dirac Fock (MCDF) atomic calculations using the ISOMEX computer code. 76Ge(11B, 3n)84Rb, E=40 MeV; measured Eγ, γγ-coin using the ORGAM Ge detector array at Orsay Tandem accelerator facility, precise energy of the 219-keV γ ray; deduced precise energy of 3.5-keV transition between the 466.6, 5- and 463.6, 6- levels.

RADIOACTIVITY 84mRb(IT)[from 85Rb(γ, n), E=bremsstrahlung photons from the ELSA electron beam facility of the CEA/DAM/DIF]; measured Eγ, Iγ, γγ-coin, precise energies of 215.6-, 248.0-, and 463.6-keV γ rays.

doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.96.024604