References quoted in the ENSDF dataset: 7H 11B(PI-,P3HE)
3 references found.
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Eur.Phys.J. A 32, 261 (2007)
Yu.B.Gurov, B.A.Chernyshev, S.V.Isakov, V.S.Karpukhin, S.V.Lapushkin, I.V.Laukhin, V.A.Pechkurov, N.O.Poroshin, V.G.Sandukovsky
Search for superheavy hydrogen isotopes 6H and 7H in stopped π- absorption reactions
NUCLEAR REACTIONS 9Be(π-, pd), (π-, 2p), E at rest; 11B, 12C(π-, pα), E at rest; 11B, 12C(π-, p3He), E at rest; measured missing mass spectra. 6,7H deduced possible resonance energies, widths.
doi: 10.1140/epja/i2007-10388-3
Physics of Part.and Nuclei 40, 558 (2009)
Yu.B.Gurov, S.V.Lapushkin, B.A.Chernyshev, V.G.Sandukovsky
Search for superheavy hydrogen isotopes in pion absorption reactions
NUCLEAR REACTIONS 9Be(π-, p), 12C(π-, t), (π-, d), (π-,3He), (π-, pd), (π-, 2d), (π-, 2t), 10B(π-, tα), 11B(π-,3He7H), E at rest;4,5,6,7H; measured missing-mass spectra; deduced level structures in 4,5,6H, evidence for 7H.
doi: 10.1134/S1063779609040054
Phys.Atomic Nuclei 79, 525 (2016); Yad.Fiz. 79, 338 (2016)
Yu.B.Gurov, L.Yu.Korotkova, S.V.Lapushkin, R.V.Pritula, V.G.Sandukovsky, M.V.Tel'kushev, B.A.Chernyshev, T.D.Schurenkova
Search for light neutron-rich isotopes in stopped pion absorption
NUCLEAR REACTIONS 9Be, 10,11B, 12,14C(π-, x), E=0; measured protons, deuterons, tritons, 3He, α-particles, correlations; deduced missing mass.
NUCLEAR STRUCTURE 4,5,6,7H, 6,7He, 7,8,9,10,11,12Li; deduced resonances, resonance parameters.
doi: 10.1134/S1063778816040116