References quoted in the ENSDF dataset: 7H 7LI(PI-,PI+)

3 references found.

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Nucl.Phys. A352, 379 (1981)

V.S.Evseev, V.S.Kurbatov, V.M.Sidorov, V.B.Belyaev, J.Wrzecionko, M.Daum, R.Frosch, J.McCulloch, E.Steiner

Experimental Study of π- Double Charge Exchange with 7Li

NUCLEAR REACTIONS 7Li(π-, π+X), E=102 MeV; measured σ(E(π+)); deduced strong final state interactions. 7H deduced upper limit for production σ.

doi: 10.1016/0375-9474(81)90417-6


Phys.Rev. C 75, 064605 (2007)

W.Fong, J.L.Matthews, M.L.Dowell, E.R.Kinney, T.Soos, M.Y.Wang, S.A.Wood, P.A.M.Gram, G.A.Rebka, Jr., D.A.Roberts

Inclusive pion double charge exchange in light p-shell nuclei

NUCLEAR REACTIONS 6,7Li, 9Be, 12C(π+, π-), (π-, π+), E=120-270 MeV; measured double differential inclusive pion double charge exchange cross sections. Compared results to model calculations.

doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.75.064605


nucl-ex/0701002, 01/03/2007 (2007)

W.Fong, J.L.Matthews, M.L.Dowell, E.R.Kinney, T.Soos, M.Y.Wang, S.A.Wood, P.A.M.Gram, G.A.Rebka, Jr., D.A.Roberts

Inclusive pion double charge exchange in light p-shell nuclei

NUCLEAR REACTIONS 6,7Li, 9Be, 12C(π+, π-), (π-, π+), E=120, 180, 240 MeV; measured σ(E, θ). Comparison with model predictions.