References quoted in the XUNDL dataset: 50K NI(86KR,X):ISOMER:XUNDL-1
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GANIL-T 99 05 (1999)
Etude de la structure et du mecanisme de production des etats isomeres aux energies intermediaires
NUCLEAR REACTIONS Ni(86Kr, X), E=60.3 MeV/nucleon; measured fragment yields, delayed Eγ, Iγ following decay of isomeric states. 50K, 60V, 62Mn, 68,70Co, 75Cu, 78Zn, 78Ga deduced levels, J, π, T1/2, B(M1), B(E2).
Acta Phys.Pol. B40, 481 (2009)
H.L.Crawford, R.V.F.Janssens, P.F.Mantica, J.S.Berryman, R.Broda, M.P.Carpenter, B.Fornal, G.F.Grinyer, N.Hoteling, B.Kay, T.Lauritsen, K.Minamisono, I.Stefanescu, J.B.Stoker, W.B.Walters, S.Zhu
β Decay Studies of Neutron-Rich Nuclei Near 52Ca
RADIOACTIVITY 54Sc, 50K, 53Ca(β-);measured Eγ, Iγ;deduced level scheme, Jπ, isomeric transitions.
Phys.Rev. C 81, 034304 (2010)
J.M.Daugas, T.Faul, H.Grawe, M.Pfutzner, R.Grzywacz, M.Lewitowicz, N.L.Achouri, J.C.Angelique, D.Baiborodin, R.Bentida, R.Beraud, C.Borcea, C.R.Bingham, W.N.Catford, A.Emsallem, France, K.L.Grzywacz, R.C.Lemmon, M.J.Lopez Jimenez, Oliveira Santos, P.H.Regan, K.Rykaczewski, J.E.Sauvestre, M.Sawicka, M.Stanoiu
Low-lying isomeric levels in 75Cu
NUCLEAR REACTIONS Ni(86Kr, X), E=60.5 MeV/nucleon; measured Eγ, Iγ, (fragment)γ-coin, and γ(t). Identification of A and Z by energy-loss, total-kinetic-energy, and time-of-flight measurements. 50K, 60V, 62,64Mn, 65,67Fe, 68,70Co, 75Cu, 78Zn, 78Ga; deduced isomers, half-lives, J, π, multipolarities. 69,71,73Cu; deduced B(M1), B(E2) values. 75Cu; deduced levels, J, π, and transition rates for proposed level-scheme scenarios and comparisons with shell-model calculations. 69,71,73,75,77,79Cu; shell model calculations of 1/2-, 3/2- and 5/2- states.
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.81.034304