References quoted in the ENSDF dataset: 4NN 7LI(7LI,10C)
4 references found.
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Phys.Lett. 53B, 247 (1974)
J.Cerny, R.B.Weisenmiller, N.A.Jelley, K.H.Wilcox, G.J.Wozniak
7Li + 7Li Reaction Studies Leading to Multi-Neutron Final States
NUCLEAR REACTIONS 7Li(7Li, X), (16O, X), (7Li, 11C), (7Li, 11B), (7Li, 12B), (7Li, 10C), E=79.6 MeV; measured σ.
doi: 10.1016/0370-2693(74)90471-7
Yad.Fiz. 47, 3 (1988)
D.V.Aleksandrov, Yu.A.Glukhov, E.Yu.Nikolsky, B.G.Novatsky, A.A.Ogloblin, D.N.Stepanov
Search for Tetraneutron in 7Li + 7Li Reaction
NUCLEAR REACTIONS 7Li(7Li, 10C), E=82 MeV; measured σ(E(12C), θ=10°); deduced bound 4n production σ upper estimate.
Pisma Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. 81, 49 (2005); JETP Lett. 81, 43 (2005)
D.V.Aleksandrov, E.Yu.Nikolskii, B.G.Novatskii, S.B.Sakuta, D.N.Stepanov
Search for Resonances in the Three- and Four-Neutron Systems in the 7Li(7Li, 11C)3n and 7Li(7Li, 10C)4n Reactions
NUCLEAR REACTIONS 7Li(7Li, 11C), (7Li, 10C), E=82 MeV; measured particle spectra; deduced resonance formation σ upper limits.
doi: 10.1134/1.1887912
Phys.Lett. B 824, 136799 (2022)
T.Faestermann, A.Bergmaier, R.Gernhauser, D.Koll, M.Mahgoub
Indications for a bound tetraneutron
NUCLEAR REACTIONS 7Li(7Li, 10C)4NN, E=46 MeV; measured reaction products. 10C; deduced energy spectra, tetraneutron binding energy.
doi: 10.1016/j.physletb.2021.136799