References quoted in the XUNDL dataset: 26O C(27F,2N24O):ID:T1/2:XUNDL-1

6 references found.

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Phys.Rev. C 74, 034315 (2006)

B.A.Brown, W.A.Richter

New "USD" Hamiltonians for the sd shell

NUCLEAR STRUCTURE 26Al, 26Mg, 26Na, 26Ne, 26F, 26O; calculated levels, J, π, β-decay properties. Comparison with data.

doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.74.034315


Phys.Rev.C 74, 064314 (2006)

A.Volya, V.Zelevinsky

Continuum shell model

NUCLEAR STRUCTURE 4,5,6,7,8,9,10He, 16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28O; calculated level energies, widths, neutron scattering σ. Continuum shell model.

doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.74.064314


Phys.Rev.Lett. 108, 142503 (2012)

E.Lunderberg, P.A.DeYoung, Z.Kohley, H.Attanayake, T.Baumann, D.Bazin, G.Christian, D.Divaratne, S.M.Grimes, A.Haagsma, J.E.Finck, N.Frank, B.Luther, S.Mosby, T.Nagi, G.F.Peaslee, A.Schiller, J.Snyder, A.Spyrou, M.J.Strongman, M.Thoennessen

Evidence for the Ground-State Resonance of 26O

RADIOACTIVITY 26O(2n) [from Be(27F, p)26O, E=82 MeV/nucleon];measured decay products, En, In. 26O; deduced decay energy spectrum, evidence for the ground state or resonance in neutron unbound nucleus, T1/2 limit. Comparison with theoretical calculations.

doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.142503


Chin.Phys.C 36, 1603 (2012)

M.Wang, G.Audi, A.H.Wapstra, F.G.Kondev, M.MacCormick, X.Xu, B.Pfeiffer

The AME2012 atomic mass evaluation (II). Tables, graphs and references

COMPILATION A=1-295; compiled, evaluated atomic mass data.


Phys.Rev. C 88, 034313 (2013)

C.Caesar, for the R3B Collaboration

Beyond the neutron drip line: The unbound oxygen isotopes 25O and 26O

NUCLEAR REACTIONS C, Pb(26F, 25O), E=442 MeV/nucleon; C, Pb(27F, 26O), E=414 MeV/nucleon, [26,27F secondary beams from Be(40Ar, X), E=490 MeV/nucleon primary reaction]; measured photon and light-particle spectra, time-of-flight and energy-loss, n(24)O-coin using FRS fragment separator, ALADIN dipole magnet, 4π Crystal ball at GSI facility; neutrons from unbound states detected by LAND neutron detector; two- and three-body relative-energy spectra reconstructed for one- and two-neutron events. 25,26O; deduced levels, ground-state resonances, first excited 2+ resonance in 26O, widths, half-lives. Breit-Wigner fits. Comparison with previous experimental results, and with shell-model calculations based on chiral NN and 3N forces, and residual 3N forces.

RADIOACTIVITY 25O(n)[from C, Pb(26F, 25O), E=442 MeV/nucleon]; 26O(n), (2n)[from C, Pb(27F, 26O), E=442 MeV/nucleon]; measured neutron spectra n(24)O-coin, half-lives of ground-state resonances using LAND detector at GSI facility.

doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.88.034313


Phys.Rev.Lett. 110, 152501 (2013)

Z.Kohley, T.Baumann, D.Bazin, G.Christian, P.A.DeYoung, J.E.Finck, N.Frank, M.Jones, E.Lunderberg, B.Luther, S.Mosby, T.Nagi, J.K.Smith, J.Snyder, A.Spyrou, M.Thoennessen

Study of Two-Neutron Radioactivity in the Decay of 26O

RADIOACTIVITY 26O(2n) [from 9Be(27F, p), E=82 MeV/nucleon]; measured decay products, En, In; deduced T1/2. Comparison with theoretical calculations.

doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.152501