References quoted in the ENSDF dataset: 254RF 206PB(50TI,2NG)

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Phys.Rev. C 107, L061302 (2023)

D.Seweryniak, T.Huang, K.Auranen, A.D.Ayangeakaa, B.B.Back, M.P.Carpenter, P.Chowdhury, R.M.Clark, P.A.Copp, Z.Favier, K.Hauschild, X.-T.He, T.L.Khoo, F.G.Kondev, A.Korichi, T.Lauritsen, J.Li, C.Morse, D.H.Potterveld, G.Savard, S.Stolze, J.Wu, J.Zhang, Y.-F.Xu

Nuclear rotation at the fission limit in 254Rf

NUCLEAR REACTIONS 206Pb(50Ti, 2n)254Rf, E=244 MeV from the ATLAS-ANL facility; measured reaction products, prompt γ rays, Eγ, Iγ, Rf Kα and Kβ x-rays, (254Rf implants)γ-coin, (implants)(fission events)γ-coin using the Gammasphere array and the Argonne gas-filled analyzer (AGFA). 254Rf; deduced levels, J, π, ground-state rotational band up to 14+, kinematic moment of inertia. Systematics of ground-state bands in 250Fm, 252,254No, and 254,256Rf, and comparison with particle-number conserving cranked shell model (PNC-CSM) calculations.

doi: 10.1103/PhysRevC.107.L061302